Middle East

How the Islamic State Weaponizes Imitation in Its Propaganda

Niels Schattevoet • Sep 24 2024 • Essays

Aggressive imitation is meant not only to justify IS’s violence but to express its worldview—of restoring Muslim honour by avenging the humiliation Muslims have suffered.

Destruction, Colonialism, and Capital: Genocidal Perspectives on Palestine

Amina Daniel • Jul 1 2024 • Essays

Narrow definitions of genocide facilitate its continuation, as evidenced by Israel’s ongoing physical, economic, and cultural destruction of the Palestinian society.

Turning Domestic into Political: The Case of Female Self-immolation in Iran

João Carlos Ferreira Azevedo • Apr 24 2024 • Essays

Patriarchal values fuel conflict, confine Iranian women to home, and impact their security, driving some to choose self-immolation. Yet, some also find agency in that.

From 9/11 to Humanise Palestine: Investigating the Terror of Grievability

Chenglong Yin • Mar 23 2024 • Essays

Reproduced violence in videos and images registers an order of grievability that fails to recognise the value of lives in the Middle East as lives.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

Ethan Chiu • Mar 26 2023 • Essays

By cooperating, Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan can secure a solution that benefits all parties and prevents future conflict.

Halakhah and Omnicide: Legality of Tactical Nuclear Weapons under Jewish Law

Jonah Brody • Jan 6 2023 • Essays

Tactical nuclear strike against an Iranian nuclear facility would not be permissible under Jewish law in any situation.

Limits of Liberal Feminist Peacebuilding in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Francisca Martins Reina • Dec 21 2022 • Essays

Western support for the WPS agenda in the Occupied Palestinian Territory has fostered processes of ‘hybridisation’ and ‘NGOisation’ that depoliticise local women’s movements.

Deterrence and Ambiguity: Motivations behind Israel’s Nuclear Strategy

Pieter Zhao • Nov 20 2022 • Essays

Israel’s policy of deliberate nuclear ambiguity enabled Israel and the United States to continue their crucial relationship and not raise Cold War tensions.

Reproductive Justice in Occupied Palestine: Biopolitical Policies and Experience

Sanchita Aggarwal • Nov 6 2022 • Essays

Israeli Occupation through its Zionist strategies, manifestations of terror, curfews, surveillance, and violence restricts Palestinian women’s reproductive choices.

Do Assassinations Serve Little Purpose Other than to Communicate Resolve?

Arran Kennedy • Sep 24 2022 • Essays

Assassinations do not only communicate resolve. They serve other functions, too, such as eliminating perceived threats and increasing diplomatic leverage.

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