Middle East

What is the Principal Object of the International Legal System?

Matthew Richmond • Apr 30 2014 • Essays

Individuals & organizations are increasingly gaining traction in a state-dominant international legal order, a piecemeal process that may result in a global constitution.

Three Phases of Resistance: How Hezbollah Pushed Israel Out of Lebanon

David Sousa • Apr 28 2014 • Essays

Hezbollah’s strategy was successful due to its ability to secure a strategic relationship with a patron, arouse popular local support, and use novel methods of fighting.

Western Human Rights in a Diverse World: Cultural Suppression or Relativism?

anon • Apr 25 2014 • Essays

Cultural relativism should not be an excuse to avoid the difficulties of enforcing an individualistic human rights system in communities believing in collective rights.

The Syrian Uprising and Social Movements Theory

Sindre Gade Viksand • Apr 17 2014 • Essays

Syria’s strong patrimonial military has no incentives to break with the regime. Until such incentives exist, the uprisings will probably fail.

Contemporary Boundaries in the Middle East

Iliasse Sdiqui • Apr 16 2014 • Essays

To ignore the internal dynamics that determined the political boundaries of the Middle East is to overlook the region’s power to shape policy.

Can a Nuclear Iran be Considered a Threat to Regional and Global Security?

Charlotte Love • Apr 12 2014 • Essays

A nuclear and emboldened Iran engaging in small conflicts presents an acute threat to security because the threat of inadvertent escalation is so dangerous.

Have International Interventions Reinforced Ethnic Identities and Divisions?

Caoimhe Udom • Apr 11 2014 • Essays

Often, though not always, the intervening state strengthens ethnic identities, thereby exacerbating ethnic divisions, in its quest to further its own interests.

Do Drone Strike Assassinations Render Conceptions of ‘Just War’ Redundant?

Hannah Eastwood • Apr 8 2014 • Essays

War on Terror drone policies problematise classic Just War (JW) approaches. However, JW-inspired international law has the ability to ensure accountability.

Yemen’s Water Scarcity as a Threat to National Security

Susanne Hartmann • Apr 6 2014 • Essays

Within the past couple decades, the discourse surrounding water scarcity in Yemen has shifted; this scarcity is now seen as a contributing threat to national security.

The Permissive Promise

Eric Lenier Ives • Apr 2 2014 • Essays

International law seeks to codify the international playing field. However, it is an essentially elastic & permissive system reflecting real-world power distributions.

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