Middle East

‘Bedouin’ Hospitality in the Neo-Global City of Dubai

James Barnes • Oct 16 2013 • Essays

Has hospitality in the Middle East, especially in Dubai, been changed as a result of the construction of new cities, or has it merely shifted to accommodate a new type of guest?

Iran’s Rational Response For Nuclear Capability

Samuel Abbott • Oct 4 2013 • Essays

With Israel not a member of the NPT, coupled with being labeled the greatest threat to the US, Iran is making a rational move in seeking nuclear capability to deter abroad threats.

Iranian-Israeli Nuclear Relations: A ‘New’ Cold War?

Cristina Varriale • Sep 28 2013 • Essays

Could the Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons spark an arms race in the Middle East? The Waltzian theory of Cold War nuclear relations shows that claims for a ‘new’ Cold War are insufficient.

Establishing Accountability for IGOs and States

Andrea Raquel Hak • Sep 21 2013 • Essays

By recognizing non-state actors as rights holders and duty bearers, the challenge of establishing accountability for international organizations and unrecognized states can be met.

Zionism and Arab Nationalism

anon • Sep 20 2013 • Essays

Understanding the evolution of Jewish and Arab consciousness, in its emergence through a socio-political nationalism, allows for a more profound understanding of the status quo.

The Defensive Iran: Rethinking Realism in the Case of Iran’s Nuclear Programme

Camilla Sundberg • Aug 10 2013 • Essays

Iran’s nuclear posture: defensively viable or offensively radical? A defensive realist approach tells the story of a vulnerable country in an increasingly threatening neighbourhood.

Nasserism and Ba’thism: Modern, Contingent, Confused, and Instrumental

Michael Bolt • Aug 2 2013 • Essays

Fred Halliday’s assessment that nationalist movements in the Middle East are deeply complex affairs appears to be accurate under examination.

Gauging Obama’s Influence in the Middle East

Victoria Elliot • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

Three aspects influence Obama’s position in the region: the domestic constraints on his policy, the strategic interests of the US, and the internal political situations in the Arab states.

Israel, Refugees, and Collective Identity

Eliran Kirschenbaum • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Can societies absorb refugees and still maintain their security? An examination of Israeli state practices toward African asylum-seekers can help answer this question.

The Ideological Moderation of Islamist Movements

Julia Tallmeister • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

The behaviour of any particular Islamist movement is rarely static, as movements and parties tend to moderate their ideologies under both inclusive and exclusive regimes.

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