Middle East

Using the ‘Queer’ to Construct the Non-West

Mel Nowicki • May 24 2013 • Essays

The non-West is often portrayed as underdeveloped and its emigrants are securitised in order to ensure the West’s preservation and justify its self-interested interventions.

Israeli Air Power 1973-1982: How Did the Israeli Air Force Recover after the October War?

Alastair Livingston • May 20 2013 • Essays

The IAF was able to rehabilitate itself due to technological enhancements and by restoring its image as the guardian of the Jewish state.

Critically Assessing the Role of Islam in Authoritarian Contexts

Tom Moylan • May 18 2013 • Essays

To assert that Islam necessitates authoritarian regimes eschews the diverse experiences of Muslims, and interpretations of Islam and democracy.

Did the United States Occupation of Iraq Fail?

Chris Barker • May 17 2013 • Essays

An increasingly important factor in relation to the difficulties experienced by the CPA in its attempt at neo-liberalisation is the ‘everyday’ Iraqi’s opinion on the process.

Inadvertent War: Rare, yet Real

Glenn Scheideler • May 17 2013 • Essays

Inadvertent wars, although rare, can be identified in history, and their causes can be explained by analysing prescribed crisis management techniques and the realist security dilemma.

Has the United States Abandoned Europe?

Lachezar Angelov • May 8 2013 • Essays

The US still plays a major role in European security, but is gradually concentrating its efforts on the Middle East and Asia, where there is a high probability of future conflicts.

‘Bare Life’ in Palestine

Jordan Street • May 4 2013 • Essays

Using Giorgio Agamben’s concepts of ‘Bare Life’ and ‘State of Exception’, this essay reassesses the Israeli-Palistinian conflict and posits that Palestinians both live and don’t live under Israeli rule.

Explaining Hamas in Transition

Jonathan Fredrickson • May 3 2013 • Essays

Since 2004, in an attempt to broaden its appeal domestically and internationally, Hamas’ charged Islamist rhetoric and values have made way for more a secular, balanced discussion.

Transnational Irish and Islamic Movements

Andrew Burrows-Johnson • May 3 2013 • Essays

The religious nature of Hezbollah has provided it with a cultural heritage to draw upon and an ability to sustain itself, both of which surpass that of the Irish Republican Movement.

International Reconstruction in Iraq After Protracted Conflict

Vijay Luhan • May 1 2013 • Essays

The successes or failures of post-conflict reconstruction should be evaluated through a lens that also considers the historical and sociological background of Iraq prior to the war.

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