Middle East

A Review of Realism’s Contributions to IR

Hannah James • Apr 26 2013 • Essays

With IR theories flying around in abundance, it’s important to remember the contributions that Realism has given to the field to consider its relevance to contemporary global affairs.

A Review of the New European Neighbourhood Policy

Fabian Stroetges • Apr 22 2013 • Essays

Although the Arab Uprisings offered an opportunity for the EU to revise its approach toward its neighbourhood and shape the region to its advantage, the new ENP fails to deliver this goal.

Pax Americana and Middle East Regional Order

Tiphaine Ferry • Apr 13 2013 • Essays

Despite numerous attempts and some achievements, the US was unable to impose itself or its leadership on the Middle East after the Cold War, and failed in creating a new order in the region.

Why Do Islamist Groups Deploy Violence?

Charles Cooper • Apr 9 2013 • Essays

A case-by-case approach to understanding violence employed by Islamic groups enables a deeper understanding of the decision-making underpinning their diverse strategies.

The War on Terror and Western Security Services

Oliver Jack Smith-Mearns • Apr 5 2013 • Essays

The War on Terror has greatly altered the role of Western security services: many changes have been products of the Bush Doctrine, and have been furthered by Obama’s policies.

U.S. Foreign Policy Failures in Iraq

Patrick Pitts • Apr 4 2013 • Essays

The Gulf War may be considered a military triumph par excellence; however, a destabilized Iraq must also be considered a disastrous outcome for the U.S. Foreign Policy establishment.

‘Greed’ and ‘Grievance’ as Motivations for Civil War: The Libyan Case

Wim van Doorn • Mar 9 2013 • Essays

The Arab Spring provides new opportunities for the study of civil wars. The wave of protests has led to two violent rebellions: the Libyan revolutionary war and the Syrian civil war.

Zealotry and Pragmatism: Hamas, Hizbullah, and Syria

Romana Michelon • Mar 5 2013 • Essays

Hamas’ and Hizbullah’s responses to the Syrian crisis resulted from the interplay between strategic and ideological considerations, reflecting the concept of Islamist ‘actorness’.

The Unfinished Revolution in Egypt

Alex Serafimov • Mar 3 2013 • Essays

Tackling socio-economic issues, such as poverty and inequality, is not only desirable in principle, but is actively required for the functioning of Egypt’s newly developing democracy.

Realism Today

Emanuela Voinea • Mar 1 2013 • Essays

Realism takes an explanatory rather than a normative approach, and Realist concepts provide a pragmatic framework for the effective analysis of current international issues and events.

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