Middle East

Power-sharing in Iraq as a Model for Afghanistan?

Mary Brace • Sep 11 2021 • Essays

Looking to Iraq as an example, Afghanistan should be wary of formalizing consociational arrangements as the Taliban reintegrate into Afghan society.

ISIS’ Use of Sexual Violence as a Strategy of Terrorism in Iraq

Beatrice Aubert • Jul 27 2021 • Essays

The case of the Yazidi community provides evidence on how terrorist groups can resort to sexual violence as a strategy of ethnic cleansing.

Ontological Insecurity: A Case Study on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Jerusalem

Elaine Donderer • Jul 23 2021 • Essays

Under ontological security theory, Jerusalem engages in securitization in an effort to protect and solidify Israeli identity, resulting in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Fragmentation, Back Channels, and Hurting Stalemates in the Oslo Accords

Maria Ravazoula • Jul 6 2021 • Essays

Fragmentation during the Intifada demonstrates that while fragmentation is not inherently a positive attribute in civil war, it can be applied in future conflicts.

Pinkwashing the Occupation: Narratives of Interracial Gay Relations in Israeli Film

Roni Zahavi-Brunner • May 18 2021 • Essays

Palestinian-Israeli gay relations depicted in Israeli cinema serve to pinkwash, or use liberal queer ideology, to diminish the violent occupation of Palestine.

Rojava’s Patriarchal Liberation: Solving the Feminist Anti-Militarism Problem?

Hedda Gudim • May 10 2021 • Essays

Kurdish women and feminism constitute a force of resistance against patriarchy and domination through the conjunction of democratic confederalism and military resistance.

The Mobilisation of Sectarian Identities in the Syrian Civil War

Antonia Robson • May 3 2021 • Essays

The Assad regime’s securitisation and violent crackdowns led to “counter-sectarianisation” in the Sunni opposition, accelerating Syria’s descent into a civil war.

Serenity for Sinjar: Resiliency and Reconciliation

Ariel Harris • May 1 2021 • Essays

After the 2014 ISIS Sinjar massacre, there is an unlikely, but possible, strategy of reconciliation and reconstruction for the marginalized Yazidi people of Iraq.

The Influence of Islam on Pakistani Nationalism Towards Kashmir

Sidra Yousaf • Apr 28 2021 • Essays

Pakistan bases its irredentist claim toward Kashmir on a instrumentalisation of Islam and the primordial view that a common Muslim identity should lead to unification.

Three Lessons for the Intra-Afghan Talks, Courtesy of Iraqi Power-Sharing

Colm Trant • Mar 20 2021 • Essays

Three interrelated components of power-sharing in Afghanistan must be addressed to avoid an unstable experience: accommodation, comprehensiveness, and commitment.

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