North America

An Embodiment, a Bridge and a Tribute: Conceptualisations from Beyond the Border

Isabella Morgan Vera • Sep 2 2024 • Essays

Border art re-conceptualises the US-Mexico border by engendering an aesthetic experience fractured from the hierarchical and hegemonic ‘distribution of the sensible’.

Nuclear Brinkmanship in Russia Today: A Strategic Narrative Analysis

Lea Marlene Korb • Jul 29 2024 • Essays

RT portrays the international system as a new Cold War system with a nuclear face-off between two superpowers and Russia as facing nuclear threats from Ukraine and NATO.

Predictability in an Unpredictable World: Ritual and the NATO Summit in Vilnius

Anton Bronfman • Jul 6 2024 • Essays

Despite, but also due to, Europe’s unprecedented security landscape, the 2023 NATO Summit followed a familiar ritualized script that eclipsed any theatrical performances.

Cuban Intelligence after the Cold War: A Case Study in Adaptation and Influence

Safia Gordon • May 31 2024 • Essays

Cuban intelligence adeptly evolved post-Cold War by prioritizing information acquisition and alliances to safeguard its national interests.

The Anomaly of Democracy: Why Securitization Theory Fails to Explain January 6th

Caroline Grace Barnett • May 17 2024 • Essays

Faced with internal security threats, a democratic state cannot always employ extraordinary measures without triggering an existential threat to its democratic identity.

America the Beautiful, or the Exclusive? The Other in US Nature Conservation

Lea Wowra • Sep 21 2023 • Essays

Despite its goals to re-envision nature conservation and to make it more inclusive, the AtB campaign keeps marginalising and silencing Indigenous peoples in the US.

Trump‘24 or Before: Militias and the Marketplace of Masculinity

Bailey Galicia • Sep 6 2023 • Essays

Masculinity as an antidote to insecurity may result in militia members taking rallying cries like “Trump ‘24 or Before” literally and further perpetrating violence.

A Lineage of White Insurgency: US Capitol Attack and the Lost Cause

Riley Martinez • Jun 23 2023 • Essays

The insurrection attempt cannot be understood without considering America’s history of White supremacy, particularly the Lost Cause of the Confederacy narrative.

From Deployment to Withdrawal: The C-17 Transport Plane in the Afghanistan War

Aineias Engstrom • Jun 6 2023 • Essays

Whose security the C-17 promoted or endangered varied, depending on U.S. political objectives and other components of the war’s security assemblage.

Jazz Diplomacy Paradox: Jazz Within The Maelstrom of Cold War Politics

Mauro ter Heyne • May 27 2023 • Essays

During the Cold War, the US promoted Jazz music as part of an international cultural campaign despite its racial segregation at home.

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