North America

Pros and Cons of the UK-US Special Relationship

Giulia Valentini • Oct 4 2013 • Essays

Since World War II, the United Kingdom and the United States have enjoyed an extremely close “special relationship” in the areas of military intervention, defense, and the economy.

The End of History, US Democracy Initiatives, and the New World Order

Ashleigh Croucher • Sep 1 2013 • Essays

US democracy promotion initiatives are often imbued with undertones of national interest, and are not necessarily the most effective means of promoting international peace and security.

The Securitisation of the Border – Are We Really Protected?

Amy Garry • Aug 20 2013 • Essays

While common to see security focus on the protection and integrity of a sovereign territory, this essay argues rather that securitisation creates a society of exclusions and insecurity.

Are Mexican Drug Cartels Transnational?

Kane Baguley • Aug 18 2013 • Essays

Mexican drug cartels have taken on many functions of the state, and should thus be analysed as political entities. Engaging with them in a political manner should help reduce violence.

The United States vs Wen Ho Lee: An Error of Cooperation, Prioritization, and Imagination

Efren R. Torres • Aug 17 2013 • Essays

The case of Wen Ho Lee supports Frederick L. Wettering’s claim that US counter-intelligence is alive, but not well.

Legitimising Force: The Moral and Legal Ramifications of Humanitarian Intervention

James Whitehead • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

Balancing theory with practice: the success or failure to protect human lives is contingent on the need to solidify a unanimous consensus on intervention among members of the UN.

Is the Legacy of the Vietnam War Still Relevant for the Obama Administration?

Eleanor Kate Flanagan • Aug 11 2013 • Essays

The relevance of the Vietnam War has not faded, as the world is arguably a safer place when the U.S. executive favours selective intervention over careless displays of militarism.

US and EU Differences in the Use of Military Force

Daniel Harper • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

A number of factors have influenced the diverging attitudes between the US and Europe, including capabilities; strategic culture; domestic politics; and the EU integration process.

Gauging Obama’s Influence in the Middle East

Victoria Elliot • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

Three aspects influence Obama’s position in the region: the domestic constraints on his policy, the strategic interests of the US, and the internal political situations in the Arab states.

American Energy Security in a Changing Global Energy Market

Robert Copper • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

The United States’ struggle to coherently define a sound definition of energy security has impeded the country’s ability to adequately address the diverse risks to its energy security.

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