
Have Oil Reserves in the Middle East Created Economic Modernisation and Political Stagnation?

Craig Jackson • Mar 28 2012 • Essays

Oil revenue alone cannot be blamed for political stagnation in the Middle East nor is it a guarantee of economic development. Attention must also be given to nature of a country’s government and how open it is.

The Six Day and Yom Kippur Wars in Historical Context

Harry Booty • Mar 27 2012 • Essays

The cataclysmic Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1967 and 1973 have in many ways defined today’s conflict. But, what were the main strategic and political consequences of these two wars?

Failed State or Failed Label? The concealing concept and the case of Somalia

Stian Eisentrager • Mar 27 2012 • Essays

The failed state label is catchy and works well in political propaganda, however the term is extremely value-laden and it is outrageously imprecise.

South-South Cooperation and Aid

Megan Pickup • Mar 26 2012 • Essays

Brazil, China, India, and South Africa represent some of the largest contributors overall in terms of emerging donors and are likely the highest contributors to the specific category of SSC.

The European Union: A Leader on Climate Change?

Sam Langtree • Mar 24 2012 • Essays

Following the Earth Summit in Rio, the issue of climate change became the focus of international attention. The EU has envisioned itself as a leader in this process.

Is the USA Still the Indispensible Power in East Asia?

Alex Ward • Mar 23 2012 • Essays

The rise of a unified East Asia will recalibrate regional security arrangements, re-moulding the contours of a decreasingly unipolar order.

How US Foreign Policy affects Iran’s Identity: Implications for the Nuclear Issue

Amy Rose Townsend • Mar 21 2012 • Essays

This dissertation aims to establish the cumulative effect that the interactions between the USA and Iran have had on Iran’s identity.

A Rousseauian Look at European Integration

Harry Booty • Mar 13 2012 • Essays

One of the many issues Rousseau covered was the idea of international cooperation or even integration, and its suitability to some of the states of Europe.

The Foreign Affairs Select Committee and UK Foreign Policy

Tom Pettinger • Mar 11 2012 • Essays

The FAC is powerless compared to other committees; although most recommendations are taken on, many are weak and unsubstantial.

Is the United States a ‘Neocon Nation’?

Jonathan Provan • Mar 9 2012 • Essays

America is a not ‘neocon nation’, but rather an idealist nation in a realist world: the US does pursue the extension of liberal capitalist democracy, but this idealistic goal must be reconciled with the realities of international politics.

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