
Separate but (Un)Equal: Gender Segregated Bus Lines of Jerusalem

Julie Duggan • Jan 19 2010 • Essays

There is a tendency to equate the metaphor of travel and mobility with emancipation and the ability to move freely between cultures or continents. This work examines the implications of gender segregation in Ultra Orthodox communities of Jerusalem, by looking more closely at women’s experiences of the journeys made (both actual and allegorical) between the public and private spheres.

The Rwandan Genocide: The Guilty Bystanders

Bernard-Alexandre Merkel • Jan 14 2010 • Essays

Each time genocide occurs, the world cries out ‘never again’. So why does no one stop these atrocities once they begin? Why are they simply ignored until they “resolve” themselves? This essay will be seeking to answer why the humanitarian intervention failed to prevent the genocide in Rwanda. It will focus on three main possible reasons why the intervention failed.

Disputed Lands: the Rise of Pentecostalism in Latin America

Naomi Conrad • Jan 12 2010 • Essays

The religious story of Latin America under Hispanic rule has long been one of Catholic religious hegemony and dominance. This essay explores the role of the progressive Catholic Church with the end of authoritarian rule in Latin America. It assesses the role that the rise of Pentecostalism played in this decline.

The Chinese Communist Party’s Treatment of Ethnic Minorities

Jocelyn Leung • Jan 10 2010 • Essays

To consider the CCP’s treatment of its ethnic minorities, one must recognise that the relationships between those in central authority and those isolated in the peripheries are constantly in flux, with each side’s actions incessantly influencing and constraining the others’ future moves. This paper considers arguments that posit successes and mistakes in the CCP’s treatment towards its ethnic minorities.

Why Did the Soviet Union Invade Afghanistan?

Daryl Morini • Jan 3 2010 • Essays

The Soviet intervention in Afghanistan was a costly and, ultimately, pointless war. However, exactly why the Red Army wound up in direct military conflict, embroiled in a bitter and complicated civil war—some 3,000 kilometres away from Moscow—is a point of historiographical uncertainty. Little known and appreciated for its significance, the Soviet-Afghan War was one of the turning points of the late Cold War.

‘Conflict Management Sows the Seeds of Future Conflict’ A Case Study of the Kashmir Conflict

Amritben Bagia • Dec 8 2009 • Essays

India and Pakistan have come no closer to resolving their disagreements than what was attempted in 1949 because they are firmly grounded in a solution that is zero-sum, state centric and plagued by internal domestic political pressure.

What was Roosevelt’s ‘Vision of Europe’?

Tatiana McArthur • Nov 30 2009 • Essays

Roosevelt had a wide reaching and aggressive plan for planning post-war Europe. The formation of a strong Anglo-American alliance was critical for both parties during and after the war. For the United States, Britain was necessary in promoting democratic ideals and policing the states of Europe, something it was in a better geographical position to do. The signing of the Atlantic Charter in the early 1940’s cemented the partnership that has continued up to present times.

Sustainability and Water Resources in the Middle East

Caroline Smith • Nov 9 2009 • Essays

The Middle East is one of the most water-short regions in the world: almost all countries in the region (with the arguable exceptions of Iran and Turkey) have less (in most cases, significantly less) water available – through rainfall and other sources – than the 1,000 cubic metres per person, per year, which is traditionally taken to be a minimum human requirement.

Francisco de Vitoria and On the American Indians: A Modern Contribution to International Relations

Adrien Jahier • Sep 24 2009 • Essays

Francisco de Vitoria, a theologian of the 16th century and core writer of the Renaissance, questions our understanding of international affairs and, thus, International Relations as an academic discipline. He leads us to think about the ambiguity of the norms of the contemporary international system, and of international law.

Strategic Partnership or Contending Coalitions? An Analysis of EU-NATO Relations

Alistair Law • Sep 13 2009 • Essays

Fundamental problems, both structural and political, continue to characterise the EU-NATO relationship as one of ‘contending coalitions’. Yet, recent shifts in the attitudes of major actors coupled with success in simultaneous operations suggest there is potential for a ‘strategic partnership’ to emerge.

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