
What American and European Scholarship on the Iranian Revolution Has Omitted

Chloé Bernadaux • Jun 4 2020 • Essays

Most accounts fail to provide an all-encompassing explanation of the revolution, however each contributes one piece of the puzzle.

When Economic Needs Trump Popular Will: The Case of the German Agenda 2010

Marius Zeevaert • Jun 1 2020 • Essays

Germany’s Agenda 2010 adversely affected citizen trust in democracy by favoring market competitiveness over democratic deliberation.

Can Islamist Movements Be Moderated Through Political Participation?

Drishti Suri • May 29 2020 • Essays

The internal power structures and dynamics of the Islamic movements determine their responses to the political opportunities and obstacles faced upon inclusion.

ISIS, Radicalization and the Gendered Online Jihad

Emma van den Aakster • May 22 2020 • Essays

Female foreign recruits to ISIS are an important, though often-ignored, part of the organization. All ISIS recruits contribute to state-building in gendered ways.

Why Is China’s Belt and Road Initiative Being Questioned by Japan and India?

Kai Neagle • May 2 2020 • Essays

Japan and India are hesitant to accept the Belt and Road Initiative because they see it as a means of expanding Chinese power unilaterally.

TRIPS-Plus Provisions and the Access to HIV Treatments in Developing Countries

Alessandro Pigoni • Apr 19 2020 • Essays

The inclusion of TRIPS-Plus provisions in recent trade agreements limits the ability of developing countries to obtain medicines needed to face the HIV epidemic.

Critical Reflections on Ethnicity and Colourism in Africa and the Diaspora

Katya Kerrison • Apr 11 2020 • Essays

Colourism in African communities has evolved from colonialism, slavery and racial hierarchies and affects both those with dark and light skin in negative ways.

A Geostrategic Explanation of India-Myanmar Bilateral Relations since the 1990s

Balachander Palanisamy • Mar 31 2020 • Essays

Bilateral relations between India and Myanmar in the post-Cold War era are governed and defined by geostrategic interests more so than by identity and ideology.

Morality, Media and Memes: Kony 2012 and Humanitarian Virality

Nathan Olsen • Mar 26 2020 • Essays

The Kony 2012 campaign simplified the crisis in Uganda to achieve viral status, which highlights the problems that come when humanitarian NGOs achieve virality.

Intermestic Realism: Domestic Considerations in International Relations

Tom Meinderts • Mar 24 2020 • Essays

A nation’s foreign policy is a product of both international and domestic considerations. This is particularly evident in economic scenarios like the US-China Trade war.

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