
How has the US Intelligence Community Performed against Al-Qaeda since 1988?

Lucie Parker • Jun 1 2015 • Essays

Owing to its own misconceptions and those of successive executives, the US intelligence community has failed to perform to the extent of its abilities against al-Qaeda.

Friendship and International Relations

Leonard Schuette • May 29 2015 • Essays

Although states can construct meaningful bonds between each other, these are better conceptualised as partnerships, not friendships. State relations are not friendships.

A Poststructuralist Perspective on R2P as a Response to Kofi Annan’s Question

Sofia Bianchini • May 29 2015 • Essays

Addressing Kofi Annan’s question in traditional Liberal terms is but one way, of many, to phrase the Responsibility to Protect debate.

Mapping Postcolonial Ireland: The Political Geography of Friel’s ‘Translations’

Gah-Kai Leung • May 29 2015 • Essays

Geographical knowledge can be politicized, such that maps are techniques of power, representing a manipulated and politically-charged discourse about the world.

UNSC Resolution 1325: A Building Block for Gender Equity?

Andreas Fabian • May 29 2015 • Essays

UN Resolution 1325, although not yet a complete success, can and should be used as a starting point to work for gender equity and towards a violence-free world.

Europe as a Normative Power on Climate Change? The EU’s Engagement with China

Yan Shaohua • May 27 2015 • Essays

By examining the European Union’s engagement with China on climate change, the EU could arguably be a credible normative power on climate change policy.

The Eclipse of Pan-Arab Nationalism

Ahmed Elsayed • May 26 2015 • Essays

Both ideological and internal and external geopolitical forces have led to the emergence, decline and subsequent failure of Pan-Arab Nationalism in the Middle East.

Why the War on Bashar Al-Assad Never Happened

Antone Christianson-Galina • May 26 2015 • Essays

With the Syrian War raging on, with over 200,000 killed and millions displaced over the span of four years, why did the US not conduct air-strikes to overthrow Assad?

George W. Bush: A Neo-Conservative?

Mike Spaan • May 25 2015 • Essays

George W. Bush’s Presidency is often asserted as a Neo-Conservative one. If this was the case, however, fundamentally different policy objectives would have been pursued.

“The New Guantanamo”: The Psychological Impact of US Drone Strikes in Pakistan

Vijay Luhan • May 16 2015 • Essays

The effects of drones beyond reducing American casualties cannot continue to be overlooked; a more comprehensive evaluation must determine their overall effectiveness.

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