
Did the United States Occupation of Iraq Fail?

Chris Barker • May 17 2013 • Essays

An increasingly important factor in relation to the difficulties experienced by the CPA in its attempt at neo-liberalisation is the ‘everyday’ Iraqi’s opinion on the process.

Inadvertent War: Rare, yet Real

Glenn Scheideler • May 17 2013 • Essays

Inadvertent wars, although rare, can be identified in history, and their causes can be explained by analysing prescribed crisis management techniques and the realist security dilemma.

The United States’ Need to Ratify the Rome Statute

Sydney McKenney • May 17 2013 • Essays

By refusing to ratify the Rome Statue, the US shrinks from its international obligations, disrespects the law of nations, and fails to play a role in advancing international law.

Protection and Promotion of Multilingualism in the EU

Shannon Hall • May 15 2013 • Essays

Those who are fluent in the “official” languages of the EU will benefit from the promotion of multilingualism, but minority language speakers and those who are monolingual will suffer.

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire

Joshua Fenlon • May 13 2013 • Essays

The geopolitical imaginations in the film ‘Shake Hands with the Devil’ offer a unique inside-out perspective from the position of one man, Romeo Dallaire, and his experience of Rwandan genocide.

‘Spooks’ and the Politics of Intelligence

Emily Clews • May 11 2013 • Essays

Aspects that mirror the ‘real world’ in the television series ‘Spooks’ blur the line between fantasy and reality while they allow the public to become aware of British intelligence operations.

Examining the ‘Competitive Market Supervision Act’ of 2001

anon • May 9 2013 • Essays

While the Act encompassed relatively minor reductions to the regulation of the American stock market, it allowed Wall Street to accrue a greater benefit from its market activities.

Has the United States Abandoned Europe?

Lachezar Angelov • May 8 2013 • Essays

The US still plays a major role in European security, but is gradually concentrating its efforts on the Middle East and Asia, where there is a high probability of future conflicts.

Emigration and its Effect on the Estonian Labor Market

Lauri Peterson • May 6 2013 • Essays

Emigration has not had a negative effect on Estonian economic development. In fact, living standards for Estonians have improved and will continue if migration levels remain reasonable.

‘Bare Life’ in Palestine

Jordan Street • May 4 2013 • Essays

Using Giorgio Agamben’s concepts of ‘Bare Life’ and ‘State of Exception’, this essay reassesses the Israeli-Palistinian conflict and posits that Palestinians both live and don’t live under Israeli rule.

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