Global Ethics

Mass Atrocities and Western Imperialism: Evaluating “Responsibility to Protect”

Laura Ningelgen • Sep 6 2018 • Essays

The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has largely failed to effectively end violence against civilians because of its status as a mechanism of humanitarian imperialism.

How Does Hegemonic Masculinity Influence Wartime Sexual Violence?

Emer Campbell • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

This student essay aims to illustrate how hegemonic masculinity is constructed, maintained and legitimated through the practice of sexual violence.

Is Automation Liberating? The Flawed Optimism Of Postcapitalist Visions

Thomas Horton • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

Contrary to some arguments, increasing automation in the economy will not necessarily lead to a workless, postcapitalist future that is liberating for all.

Re-Framing Gender Relations in Conflict Settings: UNSCR 1325 in Sierra Leone

Effrosyni Chantzi • Aug 20 2018 • Essays

Despite its operationalization as a National Action Plan, UNSCR 1325 has not yet sufficiently transformed women’s political representation in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

Liberal Peacebuilding and the Road to Hybrid Emancipatory Peace in Colombia

Anna Wall • Jul 31 2018 • Essays

A Hybrid peacebuilding model that includes liberal and grassroots civil society actors, without the liberal subsuming the indigenous, is imperative for durable peace.

International Relations Theory Will Be Intersectional or It Will Be… Better

Alexander Stoffel • Jul 31 2018 • Essays

Intersectional discourses participate in the construction of the very subject whose emancipation they claim to facilitate

The Development-Security Nexus: An Exploitative Past and Present

Riley Barrett • Jul 24 2018 • Essays

The nexus between development and security is a timeworn institution with a Eurocentric history that proves exploitative for non-Western peoples.

Confucianism or Legalism? A Grand Debate on Human Nature and Economic Thought

Conner Peta • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

International Political Economy’s normative discussion on the state’s role in the economy can be traced back to Confucianist and Legalist debates in Ancient China.

‘Governmentality’ and ‘the International’: A Power(ful) Love Story

Floris van Doorn • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

Foucault’s conception of “governmentality” has been diluted by narrow conceptions and a view of the ‘international’ as part of “the political” instead of “the politics.”

Security Council Resolution 1325’s Impact on Kosovo’s Post-Conflict Framework

Effrosyni Chantzi • May 11 2018 • Essays

In line with the agenda set by Security Council Resolution 1325, Kosovo has worked to integrate gender equality into its post-conflict peace-building efforts.

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