International Security

Gender and Weaponization of Healthcare in Conflict: A Feminist Discourse Analysis

Alba Andrés Sánchez • Sep 17 2024 • Essays

The gendered analysis of weaponization of healthcare reveals how when it is combined with sexual violence women are exposed to a compounded form of violence.

An Embodiment, a Bridge and a Tribute: Conceptualisations from Beyond the Border

Isabella Morgan Vera • Sep 2 2024 • Essays

Border art re-conceptualises the US-Mexico border by engendering an aesthetic experience fractured from the hierarchical and hegemonic ‘distribution of the sensible’.

Nuclear Brinkmanship in Russia Today: A Strategic Narrative Analysis

Lea Marlene Korb • Jul 29 2024 • Essays

RT portrays the international system as a new Cold War system with a nuclear face-off between two superpowers and Russia as facing nuclear threats from Ukraine and NATO.

Emerging and Disruptive Technologies: New Weapons in the Making?

Allison Tan • Jun 17 2024 • Essays

The discourse surrounding the military adoption of EDTs and its etymological implications highlight how the topic seems to generate more insecurity than security.

Artificial Influence: Exploring AI’s Impact on Political and Social Realities 

Christopher Friend • Jun 4 2024 • Essays

The spread of disinformation campaigns challenges the integrity of public discourse, democratic processes, and social harmony.

Cuban Intelligence after the Cold War: A Case Study in Adaptation and Influence

Safia Gordon • May 31 2024 • Essays

Cuban intelligence adeptly evolved post-Cold War by prioritizing information acquisition and alliances to safeguard its national interests.

Do Coups d’État Influence Peace Negotiations During Civil War?

Findlay Edwards • Apr 13 2024 • Essays

The Sudanese Civil War shows that mechanisms by which coups come to resemble ‘peace-inducing shocks’ are easily interrupted by ‘spoilers’ who oppose the terms of peace.

How Did Russia Use Anti-Western Narratives To Justify Intervening In Syria?

Eleni Anagnostopoulou • Apr 13 2024 • Essays

Russian narratives on Syria to justify military intervention are anti-Western, and comprise claims to legitimate counterterrorism and adherence to international law.

The Battle of Austerlitz and the Utility of Game Theory for Operational Analysis

Joshua Lehmann • Apr 9 2024 • Essays

Game theory allows analysts to model even complex battlefield scenarios, enabling past and future military operations to be simulated and alternative courses of action compared.

From 9/11 to Humanise Palestine: Investigating the Terror of Grievability

Chenglong Yin • Mar 23 2024 • Essays

Reproduced violence in videos and images registers an order of grievability that fails to recognise the value of lives in the Middle East as lives.

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