International Security

The Stopping Power of Water: An Outdated Concept?

Pranav Kaginele • Mar 7 2024 • Essays

The oceans do not pose nearly as large of an obstacle to a regional hegemon attempting to venture further outwards as they have in the past.

The Origins of Regionalism in the EU and ASEAN

Dominika Remžová • Feb 25 2024 • Essays

Both convergence and divergence in the extra- and intra-regional security dynamics shaped the emergence/deepening of the Cold War-era EU and ASEAN.

Do Human Rights Protect or Threaten Security?

Caitlin Hoyland • Jan 31 2024 • Essays

Human rights discourse is premised upon the deleterious assumption that humans are separate from and supreme to nature.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Imperialist Dynamics in International Law

Laura Andrés Serpi • Dec 15 2023 • Essays

By hegemonically promoting a hierarchical type of sovereign equality, the West perpetuates an unfair international system by failing to listen to distinct voices.

Analysing EU Foreign Policy on Russia before the 2022 Invasion of Ukraine

Rob May • Jun 28 2023 • Essays

A change in power image resulting from militarisation would restrain Europe’s normative impulses and introduce greater cognitive flexibility to policymaking.

From Deployment to Withdrawal: The C-17 Transport Plane in the Afghanistan War

Aineias Engstrom • Jun 6 2023 • Essays

Whose security the C-17 promoted or endangered varied, depending on U.S. political objectives and other components of the war’s security assemblage.

China’s Take on Changing Global Space Governance: A Moral Realist Argument

Lea Marlene Korb • Apr 23 2023 • Essays

China aims to reposition itself within and change the current system of global space governance by increasing its strategic credibility through moral conduct in space.

Decentering Anthropos: Insights from New Materialism

James Knight • Mar 28 2023 • Essays

New materialist approach to the instrumentality of lethality shows how the potential for violence latent within weaponry characterizes conflict and influences humans.

Robust Peacekeeping and Its Unintended Consequences

Martin Kleiven Jørgensen • Feb 27 2023 • Essays

Robust peacekeeping, defined as proactive defense of civlians by UN peacekeepers, is undermined by the risk-aversion by troops on the ground.

How Does the Italian Mafia Affect Mixed Migration?

Carolina de Deus Pedreiro • Jan 16 2023 • Essays

The Italian mafia influences mixed migration by taking advantage of migrant vulnerability, increasing its influence and creating a domestic and global security threat.

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