International Security

Were Fukuyama, Mearsheimer or Huntington Right about the Post-Cold War Era?

Benjamin Smith • Feb 25 2019 • Essays

The prospective claims made by Fukuyama, Mearsheimer and Huntington are insufficient to adequately describe post-Cold War international relations.

Can China Continue to Rise Peacefully?

Sam Welsh • Feb 21 2019 • Essays

China’s economic and political rise is unlikely to be peaceful in the medium to long-term scope of US-China relations due to its pursuit of an aggressive foreign policy.

(Impossible) Women and Boko Haram: The Paradox of Female Support to Sharia Law

Eugenia Zena • Feb 17 2019 • Essays

A nuanced and contextual analysis is necessary to understand Nigerian women’s agency and their involvement with Boko Haram.

Nuclear Proliferation and Humanitarian Security Regimes in the US & Norway

Erin K. Norris • Feb 7 2019 • Essays

Humanitarian Security Regimes in both Norway and the US have impacted nuclear proliferation on the world stage.

A Constructivist Approach to Chinese Interest Formation in the South China Sea

Max Freundlieb • Feb 2 2019 • Essays

Analysis focusing mainly on security, power and wealth in the case of the South China Sea would be fatal, as this approach would lead straight into Thucydides’ Trap.

Risk Theory vs. Securitisation: An Analysis of the Global Surveillance Program

Michael Phan Minh Nguyen • Jan 16 2019 • Essays

Risk theory’s analysis of global surveillance networks provides a superior alternative to securitisation theory, but it continues to remain underdeveloped.

“Sanctions Are Coming”: Fear and Iranophobia in American Foreign Policy

Sagnik Guha • Jan 7 2019 • Essays

Iran’s characterization as a great threat in the Middle East is largely a result of institutionalized “Iranophobia” within American foreign policy.

Emergency Powers and Executives: An Ever-Present Danger of Abuse?

Callum Ross • Jan 5 2019 • Essays

History and more recent events have shown that a risk of abuse of emergency powers always looms, even with well-meaning executives, because reduction is not eradication.

Game Theory and Disarmament: Thinking Beyond the Table

Max Willner-Giwerc • Dec 18 2018 • Essays

Disarmament can be facilitated through the creation of “disarmament bonds,” a strategy supported by the logic of game theory.

The Governance of Savagery: International Society, Sovereignty and the Islamic State

Jonathan Burden • Dec 8 2018 • Essays

The gap between the analytical tools of IR and its epistemological western framework has contributed to the failure to predict major ‘upheavals’ in the Middle East.

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