International Security

How National Identity Influences US Foreign Policy

Milo Kershaw • Aug 7 2018 • Essays

American exceptionalism drives the United States to believe that it is legitimate in all of its foreign policy actions and that its intentions are above reproach.

The Invisible Army: Explaining Private Military and Security Companies

Tea Cimini • Aug 2 2018 • Essays

Recent US administrations, specifically under President Obama, continued to make private military and security companies part and parcel of their military efforts abroad.

Is the Feminine Changing in Relation to War?

Jonathan Cooper • Aug 2 2018 • Essays

By occupying perpetual states of contestation, the gender codes of femininity and masculinity have always been changing in relation to war.

How Has the Study of International Security Changed since the Cold War’s End?

Jonathan White • Jul 25 2018 • Essays

The end of the Cold War has justified an overhaul in the traditional ontological and epistemological foundations of security studies.

The Development-Security Nexus: An Exploitative Past and Present

Riley Barrett • Jul 24 2018 • Essays

The nexus between development and security is a timeworn institution with a Eurocentric history that proves exploitative for non-Western peoples.

Brexit and Beyond: How Security Threats are Constructed

Jack Gallagher • Jul 12 2018 • Essays

Through speaking security, relevant actors enhanced the threat posed by migration, minorities, and terrorism.

A Critical Evaluation of Poststructuralism’s Contribution to Security

Harry Edgar • Jun 13 2018 • Essays

Poststructuralism’s contribution to security lies within its scope to critique and question, exploring areas that other schools of thought dare not tread.

One for All or All for One? Ideology and Cohesion in the IRA and PIRA

Valeria Scuto • May 30 2018 • Essays

Is there a relationship between ideology and insurgent cohesion? The cases of the IRA and PIRA, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, provides an interesting insight.

Overcoming Internal Resistance Within the Military Command Structure

Gaurav Rana • May 28 2018 • Essays

Successful military commanders recognize the internal resistance human interaction creates and overcome said resistance by identifying personal strengths and weaknesses.

Do Gender Minorities Belong in the Military?

river champion • May 14 2018 • Essays

Trans people are included in the military by their willingness to reinforce the binary narrative structures of women as “beautiful souls” and men as “citizen protectors”.

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