International Security

Does a ‘Global Jihad’ Phenomena Exist?

Carlos Rodriguez • Mar 16 2016 • Essays

Perhaps there is a ‘Global Jihad’, but not in the perverted form hijacked by political Islam as a kind of collective aggression against the West.

Revisiting Turkey’s Protean Self vs. ‘Other’

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Mar 14 2016 • Essays

‘Ontological insecurity’ provides a more accurate analysis of Turkey’s Europeanization project as an alternative theoretical perspective to realism and constructivism.

Killing by Remote Control: Western Countries Relying on Technology in the Military

Alex Harris • Mar 7 2016 • Essays

The growing reliance on drones highlights the Western requirement for precision, accountability, and a reduction in collateral damage

What is the Future of African Regionalism?

Haoyu Zhai • Mar 5 2016 • Essays

Regionalism is an oft-discussed theme in relations between African states, but ideological differences and an inability to find agreement remain challenges.

Forgetting Politics: The Impossibility of Humanitarian Intervention

Lisa Whitten • Mar 3 2016 • Essays

‘Humanitarian military intervention’ is critiqued as a de-politicizing discourse, with four proposals for re-politicization suggested.

The Significance of the ‘Human Security’ Paradigm in International Politics

Aydar Gazizullin • Feb 29 2016 • Essays

The topic of human security is multifaceted and demands caution when analysed in different contexts.

Explaining Russia’s Intervention in Syria in September 2015

Simon Allcock • Feb 28 2016 • Essays

Instead of giving an empirical account of the factors that led to Russia’s intervention, it’s important to explore the extent to which IR theory explains such a calculus.

Securing the Energy Supply: China’s “Malacca Dilemma”

Matthew Caesar-Gordon • Feb 26 2016 • Essays

For China to ensure the future security of its energy supply, it must balance the protection of its critical sea lanes with the seeking of alternative energy sources.

Morgenthau’s Utilitarian Version of Realism

Nicholas Pugh • Feb 20 2016 • Essays

Morgenthau’s realist doctrine is neither amoral nor bellicose because it is informed by a set of utilitarian ethics which aim to prevent major conflict via lesser evils.

Challenges and Opportunities for Walzer’s “Jus ad Vim” for the 21st Century

Jonathan Haseldine • Feb 15 2016 • Essays

“Jus ad vim” undoubtedly has a role in the ethical evaluation of military and government activities, especially in the realm of emerging technology such as drones.

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