International Security

Hassan al-Banna: A Starting Point for Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism

Mona Saleh • Jan 18 2016 • Essays

Al-Banna’s ideas of Islam’s superiority, of his conception of Islam to others, and the monopoly of the absolute truth are the first steps to judge Others as unbelievers.

Purpose, Power, and Problems: The Pursuit of Norms for Cybersecurity

Nam Khoa Nguyen • Jan 17 2016 • Essays

A norms-based approach to achieving cyber security has its merits, but there are significant coordination hurdles to overcome in order to make developing norms lasting.

Norms and the Securitisation of Infectious Diseases

Josie Hornung • Jan 15 2016 • Essays

The emergence and socialisation of the norm of responding to health threats as security threats has reshaped and expanded the global security agenda.

Russia’s Double Historical Amnesia: Constructing the Shakhidki as ‘Black Widows’

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Jan 10 2016 • Essays

In a constructed malestream military, women in combat arms are inherently irregular as they take on a twofold irregularity as female fighters and irregular combatants.

The EU’s Normative Nature and Its Sanction Regime Against Russia: An Oxymoron?

Leonard Schuette • Dec 29 2015 • Essays

Sanctions per se are not irreconcilable with normative behaviour, as they may perform the function of conveying a normative argument rather than merely coerce the other.

Snake Oil: US Foreign Policy, Afghanistan, and the Cold War

Vincent J. Tumminello II • Dec 27 2015 • Essays

Afghanistan has become a “snake country”: where loyalty can only be rented, solutions are always temporary, and the law of the stronger prevails.

How the Structure of Syrian Insurgent Groups Restrains Greater American Support

Peter Karuu Kirechu • Dec 22 2015 • Essays

The typology of Syrian rebel groups illuminates the obstacles to cooperative action, but also highlights the difficulties that might dominate the post-war Syrian state.

What is Security? Securitization Theory and its Application in Turkey

Siddharth Sethi • Dec 14 2015 • Essays

Examining the issue of Turkey’s accession to the EU, this essay examines how non-security issues can be securitized by various social and political actors.

Should Irregular Fighters Be Excluded From Legal Protections Such As POW Status?

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Dec 14 2015 • Essays

‘Irregular’ is a demonising exclusionary weapon of war applied only to those opposing US goals for the purposes of improving the legitimate guise of its actions.

Pax Americana: the United States as Global Hegemon or Imperialist in Disguise?

Nathan Down • Dec 9 2015 • Essays

A downward trend in prestige and economic power, along with geopolitical challenges, seems to be forcing the US to realign its foreign policy interests and direction.

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