International Security

Human Rights and Terrorism: A Comparative Security Analysis

Alex Chung • Nov 25 2015 • Essays

Liberal values are under siege from terrorism, but questions exist concerning Eurocentric notions of terrorism and the source of supposedly illegitimate violence.

Why Are Civil Wars so Protracted and Difficult to End?

Arij Elshelmani • Nov 20 2015 •

Civil wars are more protracted and difficult to terminate for numerous reasons. Nevertheless, a number of critical factors that fuel these wars can be distinguished.

Global Pandemics: A Security Threat?

Joseph Jegat • Nov 17 2015 • Essays

This essay has argued that global pandemics are a threat to state security, the extent to which they are a threat however, is determined by how developed the state is.

Should Private Military Companies be used in UN Peace Operations?

Lauren Grace Fitzsimons • Nov 17 2015 • Essays

Since deficiencies are being exposed as poorly trained UN peacekeepers struggle to fulfill their mandates, PMCs should be used as a second best peacekeeping force.

Chronic Refugee Populations and UNHCR’s Funding Model: A Source of Insecurity

Emma Best • Nov 14 2015 • Essays

The donor-funded model of UNHCR fails to account for long-standing exiled populations, which eventually leads to security implications in vulnerable areas.

Quick to the Rescue: Humanitarian Intervention in Libya

Clotilde Asangna • Nov 9 2015 • Essays

The decision-making process that guided resolution 1973 was based on national interests, realpolitik calculations, geo-strategic considerations, and domestic politics.

Is there such a thing as the “Obama Doctrine”?

Veronika Hoelker • Nov 4 2015 • Essays

Obama’s foreign policy has not yielded a presidential doctrine, as the core tenants of his foreign policy are at odds with key components underlying doctrinal policy

Pakistan in The New Great Game: On Gwadar Port

Markus Markert • Oct 26 2015 • Essays

The port of Gwadar (Baluchistan, Pakistan) is a site of potential major geopolitical importance. There, Pakistan, China, India & the US are vying for strategic influence.

Australian National Security and Climate Change

Melanie Davey • Oct 22 2015 • Essays

Schwartz and Randall’s hypotheses based upon their influential climate change report have missed the mark in predicting the current geo-political climate in Australia

Drones and Radicalisation in Pakistan

Markus Markert • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Relations between US drone strikes in Pakistan, the Pakistani state & ‘radicalisation’ is complex, bound up with secrecy, information problems & economic interests.

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