International Security

Analysing NATO’s Role in Afghanistan

Jonjo Robb • Feb 8 2015 • Essays

Throughout its endeavour, NATO has faced many key challenges in its crisis management operation in Afghanistan.

Adaptation, Mitigation and the Securitization of Climate Change

Elizabeth Feeney • Feb 6 2015 • Essays

Environmental changes make the rethinking of security unavoidable. An international effort is necessary to develop a framework of adaptation and mitigation practices.

The State of Deception & The Time Bomb: Evaluating Torture as Counter-Terrorism

Charles Andrew Woodward • Jan 29 2015 • Essays

In a ‘state of exception’, where it is vital to maintain national security, liberal governments do not suspend the rule of law but rather legally circumvent it.

Should Fiat Money be Replaced with Virtual Currencies?

Amir Reza Malekzadeh • Jan 13 2015 • Essays

Any advantages that a virtual currency like Bitcoin has over fiat money may be short-lived, as states will subject it to regulations that will erode its competitive edge.

Aiming from a Distance: The Implications of the Use of Drones for Security

Ana Carolina Sarmento • Dec 28 2014 • Essays

Shaw’s risk-transfer theory and Der Derian’s conceptualization of virtuous war allow an in-depth understanding of the deployment of drones in the War on Terror.

A Constructivist Approach to China’s Aircraft Carrier Ambitions

Frederick Melling • Dec 28 2014 • Essays

The symbolic power of the aircraft carrier was key to China’s public demand to develop aircraft capabilities and reflective of desires to achieve world power prestige.

Is Investing in Private Security Better than Investing in National Security?

Jack Buckley • Dec 22 2014 • Essays

The presence of a deontological ethic provides private security companies (PSCs) the necessary legitimacy for the use of violence for the betterment of citizens.

Torture and the Failure of the International System

Jacob Kripp • Dec 18 2014 • Essays

The prevalence of torture represents a failure of the state-led, sovereignty-based international order. A move beyond torture requires a move beyond sovereignty.

Demographics, Perceptions & the Weakening Securitisation of the US-Mexico Border

Matthew Fowle • Nov 28 2014 • Essays

In recent years, American audiences have grown sceptical on the securitisation of the US-Mexico border, and indeed, the broader discourse on immigration and security.

Strategic Offensive Weapons and the International System

Davis Florick • Nov 26 2014 • Essays

Globalization has reduced the importance of space in geopolitics, but Iraq, Iran and North Korea have developed capabilities to increase the value of space.

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