International Security

The Pursuit of Strategic Stability: An OSCE-like Infrastructure For South Asia

Davis Florick • Jun 10 2014 • Essays

Modeling a multinational organization on the example of the OSCE is an ideal method for achieving improved regional security for the states in South Asia.

The Impact of ‘Globalisation’ on the Arab Revolts

Nick Newsom • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

Globalisation not only exacerbated the structural conditions that elicited the Arab revolt, but allowed for local and global actors to shape the form of this resistance.

The Domestic and Ideational Sources of the European Defence Community’s Defeat

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 4 2014 • Essays

Rather than a realist explanation for France’s defeat of its own EDC proposal, we must delve into the constructivist realm of identity and historical determinism.

Iran 1978-1979: Reflections on Intelligence Failure

Adam Moscoe • May 30 2014 • Essays

The failure of the US intelligence community to predict the Islamic Revolution in Iran offers lessons that remain relevant today in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’.

The 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli Wars: Causes of Triumphs and Failures

David Sousa • May 26 2014 • Essays

The different outcomes of the two wars was due to a combination of preparedness, initiative, superpower involvement, military capabilities, and intelligence failures.

The African Union: Organization of African Unity 2.0 or Regional Renaissance?

Thaddeus C.B. Jahn • May 23 2014 • Essays

While the AU has done much to remedy the weaknesses of the OAU, there remains a long path to successful integration, peace and security, and tangible economic benefits.

Sino-US Contestation over Regional Hegemony in the Asia-Pacific

Raphael Kunz • May 15 2014 • Essays

Although a hegemonic transition remains unlikely within the next two decades, the Asia-Pacific will be a region of Sino-U.S. power competition and increasing instability.

National Security and the Threat of Climate Change

Toby Fenton • May 14 2014 • Essays

Though national security frameworks may hinder pragmatic cooperation, securitising climate change is advantageous in planning for a clear and increasingly present danger.

Is the Threat of Al-Qaeda Over for Europe?

Conor Heffernan • May 14 2014 • Essays

While the supposed decline of Al-Qaeda has been discussed for many years, Al-Qaeda is not only still relevant, but also still a threat to Europe.

Negotiating the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Lessons Learnt

Lisa Farrah Ho • May 7 2014 • Essays

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a model for future disarmament negotiations due to its patience and focus on humanitarianism and broad engagement.

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