International Security

Towards a Multi-Polar International System: Which Prospects for Global Peace?

Andrea Edoardo Varisco • Jun 3 2013 • Essays

Multi-polarity will not only carry the risks entailed in the research of the balance of power among great powers, but will add a new wide-ranging nuclear threat into equations.

Can 9/11 and Counterterrorist Strategies be Described as a Just ‘War’?

Jenrette Nowaczynski • May 27 2013 • Essays

The ambiguity of Just War principles allow for various interpretations of the theory, which leads to the obfuscation of criminal acts.

Response to ‘The Quirks of Nuclear Deterrence’

Andrew Burrows-Johnson • May 24 2013 • Essays

Deterrence can be a valuable tool in a policy maker’s arsenal, but its successful application is uncertain, so finding alternative means of ensuring security should be a priority.

Realities of Biometric Surveillance

Andrew M. J. Huntleigh • May 14 2013 • Essays

Finding a balance between state security and human security remains a central problem for the ever-expanding surveillance infrastructures now pervasive across the global system.

‘Spooks’ and the Politics of Intelligence

Emily Clews • May 11 2013 • Essays

Aspects that mirror the ‘real world’ in the television series ‘Spooks’ blur the line between fantasy and reality while they allow the public to become aware of British intelligence operations.

Cyber-Attacks Will Not Result in Armed Conflicts in the 21st Century

Asim Rizvanovic • May 7 2013 • Essays

With the exception of the ‘non-attribution’ problem, cyber-warfare and the systemic asymmetry of cyber-attacks are both overstated, posing more of an annoyance than a threat to state security.

Can the Use of Torture in the War on Terror be Justified?

Astrid Holzinger • Apr 26 2013 • Essays

The protection of human rights from terrorist threats and the counterterrorism efforts that follow need to be in accordance with human rights standards in order to maintain legitimacy.

How Should National Security and Human Security Relate to Each Other?

Riccardo Trobbiani • Apr 26 2013 • Essays

National security is often seen as the defence of state borders, but it concerns the protection of citizens and the rule of law, and thus should not be separated from human security.

South Asia’s Increasing Nuclear Capabilities

Hasini Lecamwasam • Apr 15 2013 • Essays

Though nuclear capabilities do not necessarily connote military agendas, the possession of nuclear ability naturally stirs concern. As such, India’s nuclear strategy has spawned regional unease.

Why Do Islamist Groups Deploy Violence?

Charles Cooper • Apr 9 2013 • Essays

A case-by-case approach to understanding violence employed by Islamic groups enables a deeper understanding of the decision-making underpinning their diverse strategies.

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