International Security

From Environmental Scarcity to ‘Rage of the Rich’ – Causes of Conflict in Mali

Sarah M. El-Abd • Dec 21 2021 • Essays

Through a focus on historical and contemporary causes of conflict in Mali since the 1960s, it is better understood how it came about and what is keeping it alive today.

The Non-Politics of the Responsibility to Protect Through a Securitisation Lens

Thomas Pritchard • Dec 17 2021 • Essays

For Libya, a revised securitisation framework categorises R2P as a pragmatic securitisation act-type, where non-political language justifies military action.

Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge: U.S. Arms Transfer Policy

Patrick Scott • Dec 13 2021 • Essays

The U.S. policy aimed at securing and maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge aims to promote Israeli security in a historically hostile region for Israel.

Old Wine, New Bottles: A Theoretical Analysis of Hybrid Warfare

Timothy Van der Venne • Nov 30 2021 • Essays

Contrasting classical strategic theory with modern-day practices allows analysts to identify where hybrid warfare fits into the broader field of strategic studies.

Confronting Great Powers: New Zealand’s Nuclear Stance During the Cold War

Antonios Vitalis • Nov 18 2021 • Essays

Constructivism best reveals how France’s bombing of a Greenpeace protest vessel in 1982 emboldened and solidified New Zealand to pass the Nuclear Free New Zealand Act.

Humanitarianism and Securitisation: Contradictions in State Responses to Migration

Juliette Howard • Nov 10 2021 • Essays

When co-opted and deployed by state actors, humanitarianism is far from benign or apolitical: it has very real and dangerous effects on the lives and rights of migrants.

Computational Propaganda: Challenges and Responses

Federico DAlessio • Nov 3 2021 • Essays

Cybercrimes have increased worldwide. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to fight this through techniques informed by social, political, and computer sciences.

Human Rights and Security in Public Emergencies

Julian Izzo • Oct 15 2021 • Essays

In states of exception, security objectives often negate human rights, but a human-rights compliant security approach can lead to better outcomes for public safety.

The Objectives of War: Glory and Justice, Advantage or Annihilation?

Kimberley Burton • Oct 14 2021 • Essays

While the modes and actors of war have evolved in a post-Cold War world, the critical military objectives of war Hans Speier first identified have remained the same.

Power-sharing in Iraq as a Model for Afghanistan?

Mary Brace • Sep 11 2021 • Essays

Looking to Iraq as an example, Afghanistan should be wary of formalizing consociational arrangements as the Taliban reintegrate into Afghan society.

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