International Security

Does Distance or Remoteness Affect How Human Beings Use and Respond to Violence?

Sebastian Booth • Feb 19 2013 • Essays

The high levels of civilian deaths resulting from the use of Predator drones has ignited a new debate: does the elimination of risk to the aggressor necessarily mean they will act with impunity?

The International Implications of China’s Water Policies

Jessica Williams • Feb 15 2013 • Essays

China’s water policies will increase regional and international tensions, but will also prevent China’s economy from stalling, which could destabilize the entire international system.

Analysis of the Beslan Massacre

Evelina Vilkaite • Feb 13 2013 • Essays

The violence in Beslan was more complex than a purely religion-based attack by Islamic extremists: it was also rooted in the Russian-Chechen wars and dramatic recollections of them.

Is Terrorism the Main Threat to Human Security in Northern Africa?

Christopher Grundy • Feb 13 2013 • Essays

Events in northern Africa have helped to enhance ‘Human Security’ as a subject of scholarly research and for legitimate consideration in the realm of International Relations.

Political Islam: A Threat to the Political Stability of Current Regimes in the Middle East?

Laura Schmah • Feb 4 2013 • Essays

Political Islamism has become mainstreamed to such an extent that no regime in the region can avoid engaging with it.

Towards a Critical Securitization Theory: The Copenhagen and Aberystwyth Schools of Security Studies

Ali Diskaya • Feb 1 2013 • Essays

Neither securitization nor desecuritization are in and of themselves positive or negative, which enables both schools to say something interesting about security.

Putin and Medvedev: Instruments of the Russian Security Class?

Andrei Constantin • Jan 23 2013 • Essays

Even if the security class has grown stronger under Putin’s first two terms, it has never reached the point from where it could fully control the Russian presidency.

Intelligence, Empire and the Communist Underground in Southeast Asia

James Matthew Black • Jan 13 2013 • Essays

Two intelligence failures in the European fight against Asian anti-imperial insurgency seem to be classic intelligence scandals with grave implications for the Asian continent.

Is a World without Nuclear Weapons a Realistic Prospect?

Thomas M. Dunn • Jan 9 2013 • Essays

It is the possibility of terrist groups and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons that force the existing nuclear powers to retain overwhelming nuclear capabilities.

National Security Complications Arising from Scottish Independence

Berenice Burnett • Jan 5 2013 • Essays

An independent Scotland is unlikely to have the financial security or the resources required to develop and maintain the broad national security and defence that the SNP publicises.

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