International Security

Is Nuclear Strategy a Contradiction in Terms?

Paul Leo Clark • Jan 3 2013 • Essays

For the majority of states, offensive nuclear strategy is simply not feasible, and it is unlikely rogue states would implement a first-strike strategy due to fear of retaliation.

Private Military Companies in the Contemporary Security Context

Clement Tracol • Dec 21 2012 • Essays

The new security context presented by PMCs challenges the traditional Weberian concept of the state as the sole depository of legitimate violence.

The European Space Policy: A Security Policy in Disguise

Sebastian Kleim • Dec 15 2012 • Essays

The evolution of the CSDP in the aftermath of the Saint Malo summit marks the starting point for the establishment of a shared security understanding of the EU member states.

Is Terrorism the Main Threat to Human Security in Northern Africa?

Christopher Grundy • Dec 9 2012 • Essays

Terrorism is undoubtedly an inimical factor in the pursuit of human security, although it is by no means the only issue and not the most significant either.

How Do Terrorist Groups Emerge?

anon • Nov 27 2012 • Essays

State repression heightens the sense of antagonism between certain political actors, ultimately culminating in a vision of the status quo as a state of war.

Transcending the Security Dilemma in International Relations

Hannah Manson • Nov 18 2012 • Essays

The Chicken game theory is not only applicable to the strategies of current global actors. It forms an explanatory framework for all strategic interactions between any two actors.

The Iraq War and the Utility of Force

Meg ODuffy • Nov 16 2012 • Essays

The U.S, throughout the invasion and occupation of Iraq, exhibited an overreliance on force, to the exclusion of more appropriate forms of soft power, including the promotion of democracy among the Iraqi population.

U.S.A: More Guns, Less Crime?

Lisbeth Andrea Oviedo Prada • Nov 14 2012 • Essays

The United States is unique among wealthy nations in its vast private inventory of firearms, consisting of nearly 300 million guns, used for hunting, recreation and murder.

Are Intelligence Failures Inevitable?

D. Morgan Trujillo • Nov 8 2012 • Essays

Over the course of the last century, failures in intelligence have resulted in political, economical and social losses, such as the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

The EU as a Counter-Piracy Actor

Robert Paige • Nov 7 2012 • Essays

The EU has adopted a multiple frame approach to counter-piracy, acting in the security, legal, and development frames, but the struggle for a comprehensive approach opens the EU up to much criticism.

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