International Security

Securitisation of the Arctic Circle

Peter Dawkins • Nov 11 2011 • Essays

In this essay I will be looking at the political causes for the increase of tension regarding relations for the states that border the Arctic Circle. I will be examining the relations between all eight countries, trying to establish through policy, press releases and other formats of documentation how a group of ‘Westernised’ countries are working to oppose the actions of Russia within the Arctic Circle.

Civil defence planning in the 1960s & 1970s: A propaganda exercise?

Johanna Kohler • Nov 10 2011 • Essays

Byron wrote in the early nineteenth century that an hour may lay that state in the dust, thinking of the warfare of his time. The twentieth century has managed to reduce that time span even further as the nuclear era began following the end of the Second World War.

The Credibiity of the Terrorist WMD Threat

Joseph Morbi • Nov 3 2011 • Essays

The issue with weapons of mass destruction is that they only have the potential to cause such damage, and historical precedents would suggest that it is a very complicated and difficult task to achieve such devastation, even if a group is able to procure such a weapon. Hence, to date, conventional methods have proven more effective.

Shared Identity: New Threats for Old Solutions

Alexandra Matei • Oct 21 2011 • Essays

Indigenous identity is problematic because it is grounded on the politics of difference, especially on the existence of a prior identity. This essay argues that indigenous security implies the identification and security of the vulnerable shared identity from the dominant one, which then results in the creation of indigenous peoples as a threat.

How did British colonial experiences shape the attitude towards the invasion of Iraq after 9/11?

Adam Moreton • Oct 10 2011 • Essays

Since the occupation of Iraq, there have been significant improvements in the counterinsurgency strategy used primarily by the Americans. These have incorporated lessons learnt in British colonial experiences, such as the minimisation of the use of force.

Does Security exist outside of the speech act?

Nicholas Glover • Oct 9 2011 • Essays

Security is constructed through processes of social interaction, but cannot be defined as existing only within the speech act. Hence, the definition of security in terms of a discourse-action sequence is problematic, inasmuch as it fails to recognise the complexity of the construction of security in global politics.

Stopping the Islamic Terrorist Financing Machine

Peter Lesniak • Oct 7 2011 • Essays

A lack of cooperation between agencies, ignorance in dealing with the methods of fund-gathering and fund-moving measures, and the implementation of contradictory policies have resulted in a system in which the West cannot find a comprehensive strategy to curb the financing of Islamic terrorism.

The China-ROK Relationship: A Blueprint for China on a Wider Stage?

Scott Adam • Sep 29 2011 • Essays

China’s growing influence in the international system is receiving a lot of attention, both positive and negative. In some quarters, China’s ‘rise’ is complete. This growth is especially felt in North East Asia. Therefore, the Republic of Korea needs to take great interest in China’s future role on the regional and global stage, concerning it’s relations with its northern neighbour as well as their close cooperation with the US.

Community Based NGOs in Grassroots Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland

Peter McFarlane • Sep 24 2011 • Essays

Northern Ireland has a long way to come before it can be labelled peaceful. The fragmented nature of its society indicates that we cannot speak of two monolithic communities at all. They are divided within themselves along attitudinal, class, and educational lines, while different experiences of the Troubles have shaped their needs.

The Rise of Radical Islam and Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorism in a Global Age

Zaki Mehta • Sep 20 2011 • Essays

The ever growing problems and the struggle to fight terrorism comes from many factors; the lack of understanding radical Islam as opposed to moderate Islam, the alienation of the vast Muslim populations, continued unpopular foreign policies and the War on Terror with its death and destruction imposed in many Islamic states.

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