Political Economy

Unmasking the Narrative: Is China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy Fact or Fiction?

Devyansh Dullar • Aug 19 2024 • Essays

Claims of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy stem from a Western bias against China and China’s opaque lending practices, but there is little evidence such claims are factual.

Anthroprocene or Capitalocene: Navigating the Politics of Climate Change

Janja Jankovic • Jul 20 2024 • Essays

Climate change cannot be tackled by capitalist ecological policies of financial institutions and Western states but socio-economic justice and postcolonial epistemes.

Destruction, Colonialism, and Capital: Genocidal Perspectives on Palestine

Amina Daniel • Jul 1 2024 • Essays

Narrow definitions of genocide facilitate its continuation, as evidenced by Israel’s ongoing physical, economic, and cultural destruction of the Palestinian society.

Sovereignty with Chinese Characteristics? Norms in a Changing World Order

Merete Looft • May 27 2024 • Essays

The contradiction between China’s discourse on and practices of sovereignty constitutes a form of ‘organized hypocrisy’, explicable by the logic of capitalist expansion.

Preventing Apocalyptic Futures: The Need for Alternatives to Development

Jodie Bradshaw • May 4 2024 • Essays

The technocratic, top-down approach of development reproduces a hierarchical ordering of knowledge forms, which subalternises the epistemic forces of everyday actors.

Australia, China, and the Darwin Port Lease as a Public-Private Partnership

Robin Pelenyi • Feb 24 2024 • Essays

The Darwin Port lease was justified by privileging market values, but trouble emerged when it became necessary to incorporate non-market national security values.

Development and Authoritarianism: China’s Political Culture and Economic Reforms

Vivian Le • Nov 20 2023 • Essays

China’s economic reform avoided democratisation by balancing capitalism and socialism, highlighting industrial survival and nationalism, evading radical political change.

The UNSDGs and Transition to a Sustainable Economy through Post-growth Approach

Shrinwanti Mistri • Oct 14 2023 • Essays

For the UNSDGs to transcend their self-limiting internal contradictions, they need to be reconceptualized as visions in the making and not as goals or targets.

Institutionalised and Ideological Racism in the French Labour Market

Jodie Bradshaw • Sep 18 2023 • Essays

Until a critical re-evaluation of the egalitarian approach of French Republicanism is undertaken, the racial hierarchies in labor market will persist.

Beyond the Narrative of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy

Alain Tao • Aug 2 2023 • Essays

Looking beyond the popular narrative of Chinese debt-trap diplomacy, it becomes clear that it does not hold up to scrutiny.

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