Political Economy

Has Human Security Disappeared from the International Agenda?

Conor Heffernan • Jan 17 2014 • Essays

While human security seems to have disappeared from the international agenda, organizations in the name of human security, as well as the recent resurgence of interest, show otherwise.

Discourse Ethics and Third-Party Mediation

Rabea Willers • Jan 7 2014 • Essays

Using Habermasian theory as a guideline for mediation practice in the field of conflict resolution enriches the work of the peace builder and can dismantle the criticism that mediation is a tool of Western imperialism.

South Korea, Egypt and Wallerstein’s World System Analysis

Terence Fernandes • Dec 23 2013 • Essays

Wallerstein’s focus is the modern capitalist world economy. He stresses that states can move up and down in such a system. Egypt and South Korea make interesting examples to apply his theory.

How Sub-Saharan Africa Can Become a Stable Economic Region

Kenneth C Upsall • Dec 23 2013 • Essays

Colonial systems must be outgrown in favor of global ones, and governments must work for the betterment of the state and its citizens, not for power and wealth which has permeated the region since independence.

Russia: The Democracy That Never Was

Zachary K. Ochoa • Dec 23 2013 • Essays

As it stands today, Russia lacks even the most basic components of a democratic system, and due to Putinism, corruption and Russian culture, it does not appear to be receptive to one.

The Rise of the Contemporary Left in Latin America

Nessa Kennedy • Dec 15 2013 • Essays

Neoliberal reforms, a changing workforce, and a dramatic economic downturn in the late 1990s led to a mass overthrow of rightwing incumbents and the ascendency of the left.

The Breakdown of Societal Order in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Malene Mortensen • Dec 8 2013 • Essays

The civil war in the DRC is a major problem. Historical and sociological approaches help explain the persistence and character of the on-going violence.

Postcolonialism, Power, and ‘the Poor’: What Will Eliminate Global Poverty?

Marc Woons • Nov 26 2013 • Essays

Broad development remains elusive because it fails to challenge the rules of the ‘game’ enforced by neoliberal interests which cannot accommodate more adequate definitions of poverty.

Comparing the New Life Movement to the Cultural Revolution

Mike Pitstick • Nov 14 2013 • Essays

Compared to the Cultural Revolution, had there been increased foreign support, the New Life Movement could have been a defining doctrine of Modern China, not a blip on the history books.

Has Globalization Exacerbated Ethnic Conflicts?

Keunwon Song • Oct 22 2013 • Essays

Despite a few alleviative and still fewer success cases, globalization tends to accelerate ethnic conflicts on economic and cultural fronts, on top of pre-existent ancient hatreds.

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