Political Economy

Securitisation, China and FDI: The EU’s Foreign Direct Investment Screening Regulation

Talisha Schilder • Mar 15 2022 • Essays

This essay argues that the EU established a tight framework for Foreign Direct Investment screening to securitise Chinese FDI in Europe.

Gramscian Notions: Helpful for Research into Digital and Tech Corporations?

Giuliano Catalano • Feb 26 2022 • Essays

Analysing Big Tech as a transnational capitalist class, Gramscian thought provides an outlook on possible avenues of governance of the digital sphere.

Why Does Big Tech Stay Headquartered In The US?

Yeo Qin-Liang • Feb 22 2022 • Essays

Big Tech centres its corporate power in the US to influence the American government into advancing its interests domestically and internationally.

Prestige Aid: The Case of Turkey

Henok Gebremedhin Teka • Dec 21 2021 • Essays

The study of foreign aid is one of the most contested topics in IR. For Turkey, it is argued that prestige has been the centerpiece of its aid policy since the 1990s.

Russia’s Energy Strategy and Gas Disputes

Lakshmi Priya Panicker • Oct 17 2021 • Essays

While energy resources have contributed to its economy, oil and gas have remained an important aspect of its soft power and relations with neighbors.

Breaking and Entering: Subverting Sovereignty Despite the International System

Harsha Daswani • Sep 8 2021 • Essays

Intervention and sovereignty are both important and contradictory components of the international system. Yet despite principles of state sovereignty, international state interventions remain prevalent.

The NBA and the World’s America

Rishabh Chawda • Aug 1 2021 • Essays

The NBA has hegemonised basketball and latched onto the cultural icons of ‘America’ and the ‘American dream’ to cater to global audiences.

Exploring Stratification Economics’ Neglect of Intersectionality

Jodie Bradshaw • Jun 2 2021 • Essays

This essay challenges the assumption that identities are fixed, linking gendered and racial binaries to the economic development of Australia with a postcolonial lens.

The Tension Between National Energy Sovereignty and Intra-European Solidarity

Catharina Savelkoul • May 25 2021 • Essays

Diverging energy dependency and bilateral agreements between the EU’s member states and Russia hinder its ability to project foreign energy policy as a unified body.

The BRICS Bloc: A Pound-for-Pound Challenger to Western Dominance?

Nazrul Nazri • May 18 2021 • Essays

Backed by economic advancement and the rise of China, the collective power of BRICS and its regional influence could grow to challenge Western domination in the future.

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