Political Economy

Official Development Assistance in Nepal: A Development Perspective

Yam Prasad Chaulagain • Aug 28 2012 • Essays

Both the donor and national governments are equally responsible for the poor performance of ODA in Nepal due to a mismatch of priorities between the two parties.

The Shifting Discourse of the “Responsibility to Protect”

Tahira Mohamad Abbas • Aug 23 2012 • Essays

The R2P has not only offered nothing genuine to solve the initial humanitarian intervention dilemma, but also “de-links” us from it.

The Neo-Colonialism of Development Programs

Cecil Sagoe • Aug 12 2012 • Essays

A theoretical examination of North-South and South-South development projects shows how these programs reinforce global systems of economic dependence and strucures of inequality.

The United Nations System: How Australia can Punch Above its Weight

Scott Limbrick • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

Engagement with the UN should be prioritised in Australia’s foreign policy, requiring a rethink of diplomatic capacity and the development of a broad platform for engagement.

Energy Sector FDI in Azerbaijan: An Example of Good Governance?

Timothy Frayne • Aug 5 2012 • Essays

Natural resources in Azerbaijan attract significant FDI, but dependence on oil-sector revenues does not always suggest good governance.

The Workers’ Party and Democratisation in Brazil

Safa Sharifi • Aug 2 2012 • Essays

Whilst its programmes have not been comprehensively successful, The Worker’s Party has been a largely democratising force in what is a continuous, evolutionary process.

What are the Political Causes of Failed States in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Alberto Pecoraro • Jul 31 2012 • Essays

The causes of Africa’s failed states must be researched within those states. External relations of dependency and neocolonialism have aggravated their situation but are not the main causes.

Building an Independent State in Kurdistan

Peshtiwan Ali • Jul 19 2012 • Essays

The Kurdistan region has to earn its complete part in secession from being a de facto substate entity within the Iraqi state and transferring itself to a fully independent de jure state.

Riots in India: A Consequence of Democracy?

Kalathmika Natarajan • Jul 18 2012 • Essays

Political motivations offer only a partial explanation for Indian riots. They do not take into account religious mobilization, extremist ideologies, or perceptions of ‘the other’ that lead to participation in, or approval of, violence.

Privatizing Development: The Limit of Market-Based Approaches to Development

Graeme Esau • Jul 6 2012 • Essays

The free-market is a necessary, yet limited, aspect of development. It must not be relied upon as the sole approach to poverty alleviation.

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