Foreign Policy

Laboratories at Home and Abroad: Russian Information Operations Pre-Deployment

Botond K. Kerti • Sep 7 2024 • Essays

The internal Russian information space serves as a testing ground for Russia’s information operations before they are deployed against countries of the post-Soviet space.

More than a Seat in the General Assembly: The Recognition of de facto States

Flora Marlene Willimek • Aug 27 2024 • Essays

Particularly in the case of de facto states, non-formal recognition practices can play a major role in constructing sovereignty and statehood for the territory in question.

Unmasking the Narrative: Is China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy Fact or Fiction?

Devyansh Dullar • Aug 19 2024 • Essays

Claims of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy stem from a Western bias against China and China’s opaque lending practices, but there is little evidence such claims are factual.

Nuclear Brinkmanship in Russia Today: A Strategic Narrative Analysis

Lea Marlene Korb • Jul 29 2024 • Essays

RT portrays the international system as a new Cold War system with a nuclear face-off between two superpowers and Russia as facing nuclear threats from Ukraine and NATO.

Predictability in an Unpredictable World: Ritual and the NATO Summit in Vilnius

Anton Bronfman • Jul 6 2024 • Essays

Despite, but also due to, Europe’s unprecedented security landscape, the 2023 NATO Summit followed a familiar ritualized script that eclipsed any theatrical performances.

Emerging and Disruptive Technologies: New Weapons in the Making?

Allison Tan • Jun 17 2024 • Essays

The discourse surrounding the military adoption of EDTs and its etymological implications highlight how the topic seems to generate more insecurity than security.

Alien No More: The Promise of Popular Culture for the Study of Diplomacy

Anton Bronfman • Jun 10 2024 • Essays

By injecting reflexivity into explorations of human interactions, popular culture as a site for diplomatic studies challenges the elitist thinking that IR grapples with.

Cuban Intelligence after the Cold War: A Case Study in Adaptation and Influence

Safia Gordon • May 31 2024 • Essays

Cuban intelligence adeptly evolved post-Cold War by prioritizing information acquisition and alliances to safeguard its national interests.

Sovereignty with Chinese Characteristics? Norms in a Changing World Order

Merete Looft • May 27 2024 • Essays

The contradiction between China’s discourse on and practices of sovereignty constitutes a form of ‘organized hypocrisy’, explicable by the logic of capitalist expansion.

Cross-Strait Authority Dynamics and Panda Diplomacy Gift-Giving Rituals

Mia Westfere • Apr 30 2024 • Essays

China had the calculations of authority and timing wrong in gifting pandas to Taiwan, turning Taiwanese sentiment against trust and goodwill toward the mainland.

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