Foreign Policy

Arms Control and Cooperative Security: A Regional Perspective

Ling Guo • Mar 31 2016 • Essays

Cooperative security is a feasible concept in a regional and even a global context, but its success is in varying degrees of progress and is still in ambiguous standing.

A Reassessment of the Munich Agreement

Clinton Ervin • Mar 26 2016 • Essays

The significance today of reassessing the 1938 Munich Agreement lies in the frequent uses of the terms Munich and Appeasemen” with regard to the Iranian nuclear program.

Are Military Interventions Inevitably Doomed to Backfire?

Flamur Krasniqi • Mar 23 2016 • Essays

Military interventions are always liable to backfire and cause unintended harm to an intervening state on various grounds, such as ideological, political, and economic.

Cooperation or Competition? External Support and Interrebel Dynamics

Christopher Rickard • Mar 20 2016 • Essays

Non-state armed groups who receive fungible resources, such as funding or weapons, are more likely to experience interrebel fighting and less likely to be in an alliance.

Does a ‘Global Jihad’ Phenomena Exist?

Carlos Rodriguez • Mar 16 2016 • Essays

Perhaps there is a ‘Global Jihad’, but not in the perverted form hijacked by political Islam as a kind of collective aggression against the West.

Freedom of Religion and Access Control in Israel

Sean Yau Shun Ming • Mar 7 2016 • Essays

State religions should not be instrumentalised to exploit the freedom and rights of religious minorities masked by state rhetoric.

Killing by Remote Control: Western Countries Relying on Technology in the Military

Alex Harris • Mar 7 2016 • Essays

The growing reliance on drones highlights the Western requirement for precision, accountability, and a reduction in collateral damage

Putin & Russian Heritage: Russia’s Foreign Policy Identity Since Napoleon

Uygar Baspehlivan • Mar 5 2016 • Essays

The development of an imperial identity during the Soviet Union, plus the disruption caused by Yeltsin, shaped Russian foreign policy identity even to Putin.

Explaining Russia’s Intervention in Syria in September 2015

Simon Allcock • Feb 28 2016 • Essays

Instead of giving an empirical account of the factors that led to Russia’s intervention, it’s important to explore the extent to which IR theory explains such a calculus.

Morgenthau’s Utilitarian Version of Realism

Nicholas Pugh • Feb 20 2016 • Essays

Morgenthau’s realist doctrine is neither amoral nor bellicose because it is informed by a set of utilitarian ethics which aim to prevent major conflict via lesser evils.

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