Foreign Policy

China’s Rise in Historical Context: Prospects for Peaceful Integration

Sam Sussman • Aug 29 2012 • Essays

The U.S. and the international community must recognize that the question at stake is not the fact of China’s rise, but how the global community can avoid shortsighted defensiveness.

The Shifting Discourse of the “Responsibility to Protect”

Tahira Mohamad Abbas • Aug 23 2012 • Essays

The R2P has not only offered nothing genuine to solve the initial humanitarian intervention dilemma, but also “de-links” us from it.

Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy: A Cause for Concern or Patriot Games?

Benjamin William Moles • Aug 18 2012 • Essays

Chinese patriotism, or nationalism, will very much remain what outside observers decide to make of it, and cognizant of this, Western policy should not seek to create a realist self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Iranian Nuclear Program: Realist vs. Constructivist Models

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 18 2012 • Essays

The isolation and resistance Iran has faced in pursuing its nuclear program serves as a handicap to achieving many long-term foreign policy objectives.

An Ethical Analysis of the Modern Sanctions Regime Against Iran

Scott Ridout • Aug 15 2012 • Essays

In order to avoid tensions boiling over and possibly leading to violent military action, the US, UN, and EU need to work with Iran so as to ensure a peaceful nuclear program.

What is the Best Grand Strategy for the United States in 2012?

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

The fixity of US overseas interests – control over oil and waterways – and the erosion of global unipolarity must serve as the central bases for any viable grand strategic proposal.

The United Nations System: How Australia can Punch Above its Weight

Scott Limbrick • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

Engagement with the UN should be prioritised in Australia’s foreign policy, requiring a rethink of diplomatic capacity and the development of a broad platform for engagement.

The Implications of Statelessness on the Politics of Protection

Elyse Wakelin • Aug 6 2012 • Essays

By ensuring that a person is entitled to the nationality where he is most linked, an individual is more likely to be able to effectively access the rights which are bestowed upon him.

Energy Sector FDI in Azerbaijan: An Example of Good Governance?

Timothy Frayne • Aug 5 2012 • Essays

Natural resources in Azerbaijan attract significant FDI, but dependence on oil-sector revenues does not always suggest good governance.

Constructing Responsibility: Sovereignty and Intervention in the Wake of Libya

Paulo M. Rodriguez • Aug 1 2012 • Essays

If states act according to self-interest and material capacity, as the dominant paradigm suggests, why do values and common humanity even matter?

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