International Theory

Authoritarian Difussion and the Failure of the “Colour Revolutions” to Spread

Davide Giordanengo • Sep 28 2017 • Essays

Can the concept of “Authoritarian Difussion” explain the unsuccessful spread of the colour revolution and the repressive measures that illiberal regimes have taken after?

A Constructivist Approach to Analysing Somalia’s State Failure

Carolina Mañoso Gimeno • Aug 17 2017 • Essays

If an effective solution is to be found for Somalia’s deep problems, it needs to be consistent with the Somali identity so that Somalis can be part of a lasting solution.

Transatlantic Sovereignty Games: What Makes the US and the EU ‘Hang Together’?

Katarina Rebello • Jun 15 2017 • Essays

Drawing on an analytical framework based on ‘sovereignty games’ this essay explores the roles of money in (re)constructing relations between the USA and the EU.

Post-structuralist ‘critique’ and How It Treats Power in Global Politics

Harry Darkins • Jun 8 2017 • Essays

Post-structuralists introduce the possibility of viewing international politics from a different starting point, outside the constrains of traditional paradigms.

The Aesthetics of Revolt: Emerging Political Subjectivities in the Arab Spring

Samuel Singler • May 12 2017 • Essays

Aesthetic forms of revolt live on in the collective memory as well as in their material forms, and continue to provide a repertoire for subsequent political action.

The Alleged Failure of Multilateralism in Syria: Beyond a Realist Trap

Thomas Dayer • May 11 2017 • Essays

Earlier in history, multilateralism was deemed a ‘realist necessity’. In the current era, it is reshaped through battles of values.

The Concept of ‘World Society’ in International Relations

Crina Iftode • May 9 2017 • Essays

In a world where a realist perspective still seems dominant, the idea of world society – as found in the English school – is a revolutionary concept.

The Demise of the Sino-Vietnamese Relationship

Jessica Reilly • Apr 19 2017 • Essays

Walt’s theory of alliances is often used to explain the Sino-Soviet split but the break-down of the Sino-Vietnamese alliance shows more is at play than material interest.

Images Out-Loud: A Visual Approach Challenging the Securitization of Migration

Samantha Marcus • Apr 8 2017 • Essays

Securitisation literature ignores the links between refugees’ experiences, how their stories are conveyed visually and which images ‘speak’ most powerfully to audiences.

Japan in the Interwar Years: What Caused the Japanese Invasion of China?

Chu Kah Leong • Feb 23 2017 • Essays

The intractability of the Japanese army, coupled with defiance of Chinese nationalism, ultimately led to a devastating conflict that resulted in the deaths of millions.

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