International Theory

The Securitization of the Iraqi Regime Using the Three Levels of Analysis

Dana Shamlawi • Jun 1 2015 • Essays

The three levels of analysis can explain why contention can emerge when political issues are securitized such as the securitization of the Iraqi regime and US invasion.

Friendship and International Relations

Leonard Schuette • May 29 2015 • Essays

Although states can construct meaningful bonds between each other, these are better conceptualised as partnerships, not friendships. State relations are not friendships.

A Poststructuralist Perspective on R2P as a Response to Kofi Annan’s Question

Sofia Bianchini • May 29 2015 • Essays

Addressing Kofi Annan’s question in traditional Liberal terms is but one way, of many, to phrase the Responsibility to Protect debate.

Mapping Postcolonial Ireland: The Political Geography of Friel’s ‘Translations’

Gah-Kai Leung • May 29 2015 • Essays

Geographical knowledge can be politicized, such that maps are techniques of power, representing a manipulated and politically-charged discourse about the world.

UNSC Resolution 1325: A Building Block for Gender Equity?

Andreas Fabian • May 29 2015 • Essays

UN Resolution 1325, although not yet a complete success, can and should be used as a starting point to work for gender equity and towards a violence-free world.

Europe as a Normative Power on Climate Change? The EU’s Engagement with China

Yan Shaohua • May 27 2015 • Essays

By examining the European Union’s engagement with China on climate change, the EU could arguably be a credible normative power on climate change policy.

Postructuralism and Feminism: The Interplay between Gender, Language and Power

Michael Wooldridge • May 22 2015 • Essays

Violence is not an intrinsic part of an objective reality, but rather exists because it is legitimated and normalized through the valorization of a hegemonic masculinity

Ukraine Conflict: An Inflection Point of International Security

Peter J. Marzalik • May 2 2015 • Essays

The global level of analysis represents a useful framework to examine a key dimension of the Ukraine conflict: the interstate proxy struggle between Russia and the West.

The Ebola Virus Disease: Problems, Consequences, Causes, and Recommendations

Aramide Odutayo • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

While it may seem that the Ebola crisis of 2014 has subsided, it is still ongoing in various African countries and has become unprecedented in a variety of ways.

Does International Order Ultimately Rely on States and Military Power?

Haoyu Zhai • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Despite the growing significance of other actors and factors, the contemporary global international order still ultimately relies on states and military power.

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