
Interview – Richard Murphy

E-International Relations • Jul 31 2016 • Features

Campaigner and academic Richard Murphy on the relations of transport history and taxes, the pleasures of paying tax, state capacity, and uncertainty in economics.

Interview – Harvey F. Kline

E-International Relations • Jul 23 2016 • Features

Professor Kline analyses the Colombian peace agreement, elaborates on the futility of guerrilla movements, and explains why Coca production has increased.

Interview – Stacey Philbrick Yadav

E-International Relations • Jul 17 2016 • Features

Stacey Philbrick Yadav discusses the roots of the conflict in Yemen, assesses the key actors involved, and condemns the US’s role in supporting the Saudi-led coalition.

Interview – Houchang Chehabi

E-International Relations • Jul 12 2016 • Features

Houchang Chehabi elaborates on why Iran’s single biggest crisis is its drought, its impact on agricultural centers, as well as its implications on geopolitics.

Interview – Nadav Tamir

E-International Relations • Jul 3 2016 • Features

Nadav Tamir discusses his mentor Shimon Peres, his support for the Iran nuclear deal and why a two-state solution between Israel and an independent Palestine is possible.

Interview – Harry Shutt

E-International Relations • Jun 25 2016 • Features

Harry Shutt discusses the decline of Capitalism, puts forward his case for a universal basic income, and stresses the need for an interdisciplinary approach to economics.

Interview – Noam Chomsky

E-International Relations • Jun 19 2016 • Features

Noam Chomsky discusses his new documentary Requiem for the American Dream, the basis of support for Sanders and Trump, and the potential to overcome inequality.

Interview – Stephen P. Cohen

E-International Relations • Jun 15 2016 • Features

Stephen P. Cohen expands on his theory of regional conflict, the pathologies of India-Pakistani relations, and elaborates on the two dimensions of proliferation.

Interview – Louise Fawcett

E-International Relations • Jun 9 2016 • Features

Louise Fawcett discusses the resurgence of regionalism, the long-term effects of the Iraq War, and elaborates on why Iran should be considered an aspiring regional power.

Interview – Nazih Richani

E-International Relations • Jun 6 2016 • Features

Nazih Richani discusses his extensive studies of asymmetric civil wars, the complex interdependencies of the Syrian conflict, and the possibility of peace in Colombia.

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