
Interview – Bas de Gaay Fortman (Part One)

E-International Relations • Aug 27 2012 • Features

This is the first part of a series of exclusive interviews with Professor Bas de Gaay Fortman about his book ‘Political Economy of Human Rights: Rights, Realities and Realization,’ conducted by e-IR’s Maysam Behravash.

Interview – Gareth Evans

E-International Relations • Sep 2 2011 • Features

One of the most depressing, and distressing, realities we have to acknowledge has been our inability to prevent or halt the recurring horror of mass atrocity crimes.

Interview – Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

E-International Relations • Apr 27 2011 • Features

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam searches for the theoretical underpinnings of the clash of civilizations. Expanding critical theory to include Islamic philosophy and poetry, this metahistory refuses to treat the Orient and the Occident as separate entities.

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