
Review – Somali Piracy and Terrorism

Karl Sörenson • Nov 20 2013 • Features

Daniels’ popular non-fiction approach to the the topic of piracy and terrorism in Somalia provides anecdotal ‘evidence’ but little new in terms of fact or theoretical advances.

Review – Eichmann in Jerusalem

Joseph Royo • Nov 14 2013 • Features

One of the questions raised by Arendt about former Nazi officials during their trials- are they criminals or war combatants?- is relevant for discussions today about the use of drones.

Review – The Economics and Politics of High-Speed Rail

Kenneth Button • Nov 13 2013 • Features

Albalate and Bel provide a methodical overview of several major high-speed rail initiatives across the globe, however fail to deepen their analysis to consider the macroeconomic impacts of such infrastructure.

Review – Popular Protest in China

Kendrick Kuo • Nov 11 2013 • Features

Those who make the arduous trek through this at times dense book will be well-rewarded with a perspective that is careful not to paint with broad brushstrokes when discussing protests in China.

Review – Democracy in Retreat

Kenneth C Upsall • Nov 6 2013 • Features

Kulantzich carries the debate about foreign policy, intervention and self-determination to a new level by pressing readers think about how democracy is successfully advanced.

Interview – Norman Finkelstein

E-International Relations • Nov 4 2013 • Features

Norman Finkelstein discusses the future of the Palestinians, the BDS movement, Hassan Rouhani, the conflict in Syria and the follies of the academic tenure system.

Interview – William Blum

E-International Relations • Oct 25 2013 • Features

Author William Blum offers his thoughts on past CIA interventions, the Obama Administration, Osama bin Laden and explains how he became a ‘crazed, fanatical socialist’.

Review – Routledge Handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Alaa Tartir • Oct 22 2013 • Features

In an attempt to address the polarization of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this Handbook struggles to find a narrative for peace when power imbalances remain unchallenged at the root.

Edited Collection – Boko Haram: The Anatomy of a Crisis

E-International Relations • Oct 13 2013 • Features

Many issues about Boko Haram remain unclear. This compendium of articles, by selected experts, is essential reading for those interested in the the sect and its importance.

Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Oct 11 2013 • Features

Professor Walt discusses the Syria crisis, the value of “isms” in IR theory, and advises students to be good writers and work on subjects that genuinely fascinate them.

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