
Student Book Features: American Politics

Stephen McGlinchey • Sep 26 2012 • Features

The organisation of the various organs of government in the US can seem impenetrable. The books featured here provide an accessible route into US politics and foreign policy.

Review – Security, Risk and the Biometric State

Katja Lindskov Jacobsen • Sep 24 2012 • Features

Following the events of 9/11, biometrics has received considerable attention. Muller makes an important contribution to the debate and raises new questions to consider within the security discourse.

Review – Mao, Stalin and the Korean War

William W. Stueck • Sep 18 2012 • Features

Through reconstruction of conversations between Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean diplomats, Shen Zhihua provides a vivid account of the origins and course of the Korean War from the Communist side.

Student Book Features: Four Ways into Political Philosophy

James Wakefield • Sep 11 2012 • Features

Buying a good textbook to help navigate any subject is essential. Each of the texts discussed here brings students to the discipline via a different route.

Review – The Untold Story of the People of Azad Kashmir

Tahir Abbas • Sep 7 2012 • Features

Despite it’s certain shortcomings, there are few books that prove as illuminating as this excellent tome. It is likely to remain an important contribution to the literature for many years to come.

Review – The Philosophy of Sociality

James Wakefield • Sep 6 2012 • Features

Raimo Tuomela explicates the concept of “us” and what it means to act as group. What Tuomela does in this book is to examine an old idea and reveal what we understood by it all along.

Review – Nuclear Energy and Global Governance

Alvin Almendrala Camba • Sep 4 2012 • Features

Trevor Findlay’s Nuclear Energy and Global Governance is a very well-researched manuscript that deals with the drivers and the constraints of a possible global nuclear energy revival.

Review – Turkey and the European Union

J. Paul Barker • Sep 3 2012 • Features

Do issues of identity matter in international politics? Selcen Öner provides a comprehensive overview of how the issue of European identity has been a key aspect in the process of Turkey’s EU membership bid.

Review – Wars of Plunder

Jared A. Pincin • Aug 31 2012 • Features

Wars of Plunder attempts to broaden the commonly accepted explanations and considers more complex reasons for the prevalence of violence in resource rich areas.

Interview – Bas de Gaay Fortman (Part One)

E-International Relations • Aug 27 2012 • Features

This is the first part of a series of exclusive interviews with Professor Bas de Gaay Fortman about his book ‘Political Economy of Human Rights: Rights, Realities and Realization,’ conducted by e-IR’s Maysam Behravash.

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