
Student Book Features: China and Iran

Stephen McGlinchey • Jun 12 2012 • Features

China and Iran are two states that will cross many students’ paths. Both nations, for different reasons, are at the centre of important contemporary debates in IR.

Linkage – Don’t Blame Theory!

A.C. McKeil • Jun 3 2012 • Features

Christian Reus-Smit diagnoses IR’s disciplinary ailment in Millennium’s latest special issue by pointing out that an anti-theoretical turn to pragmatist problem-solving research is not the correct prescription for IR.

Review – The Wars of Afghanistan

Martin J. Bayly • May 28 2012 • Features

Peter Tomsen has provided a comprehensive account of Afghanistan’s recent conflicts and illuminates aspects of this history in ways that only he could really achieve.

Review – The Future of Power

Luke M. Herrington • May 24 2012 • Features

Nye offers an intriguing analysis of the changing nature of power and how new geopolitical and economic trends will alter world politics in the coming years.

Review – Fragments of the Afghan Frontier

Mark Beautement • May 16 2012 • Features

Fragments of the Afghan Frontier combines painstaking anthropological field research with extensive historical analysis to assess Afghanistan’s frontier regions and people.

Review – Keeping a Sharp Eye

Daniel Conway • May 4 2012 • Features

Daniel Conway reviews Peter Vale’s intriguing and entertaining overview of cartoons focused on the last century of South Africa’s troubled international relations.

Review – The Glorious Art of Peace

Harry Booty • May 1 2012 • Features

Often relegated to a fringe area of the study of war, peace studies is often marginalised as an even more specific sub-division of its militaristic counterpart.

Linkage – Dividing Discipline

A.C. McKeil • May 1 2012 • Features

Kristensen’s article fills a quantitative gap in the literature on the divisions of IR scholarship with bibliographic coupling, which maps the communication networks of the discipline.

Review – Security and Environmental Change

Marc Van Impe • Apr 25 2012 • Features

Dalby’s book provides an inspiring conceptual framework to deal with environmental security. Whilst worthy of further study, it is built on a restricted perception of reality.

Review – An Enemy We Created

Christian Dennys • Apr 20 2012 • Features

van Linschoten and Kuehn’s detailed accounts of the early development of the international jihadists and the Taliban is a wide ranging and useful addition to post 9/11 literature.

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