
Student Book Features: Two Essential IR Textbooks

Stephen McGlinchey • Aug 16 2011 • Features

Finding a good textbook to see you through your studies is no small matter. Books are not cheap, and a hasty purchase can be an expensive mistake.

e-IR Publication – The Sacred and the Sovereign

Özgür Taşkaya • Aug 16 2011 • Features

Religion has frequently shaped and reshaped state and interstate systems in various degrees. It will continue to be a valuable subject of academic debate among political scientists. In this downloadable collection, you will find seven articles, written by academics who tackle the subject of religion in international politics with diverse approaches.

Review – No Exit: North Korea, Nuclear Weapons and International Security

Shiran Shen • Aug 11 2011 • Features

North Korea is of perennial security concern to both its neighbors and the United States. North Korea is the only state that has ever withdrawn from the Nonproliferation Treaty and reneged on every denuclearization agreement it had ever signed. In late 2010, satellite data indicated that North Korea possessed a uranium enrichment facility, and now a potential third nuclear test is underway.

Review – Pakistan: A Hard Country

Mickey Kupecz • Aug 10 2011 • Features

Using an approach that is as much anthropological as it is historical or political, Anatol Lieven’s ‘Pakistan: A Hard Country’ provides a more intimate portrait of the country than other recent publications. It also lends a fresh perspective on a country that is often misunderstood by Western observers. The book’s central message is that Pakistan is cohesive and dysfunctional all at once.

Review – America’s Allies and War

Daryl Morini • Aug 7 2011 • Features

The most outstanding aspect of ‘America’s Allies and War’ is the systematic and even-handed manner in which it demolishes popular notions of alliance politics, such as the depiction of European NATO allies as free-riding pacifists, whilst making an important theoretical contribution to the burden-sharing literature and International Relations scholarship in general.

Review – China, the USA, and Global Order

Stephen McGlinchey • Jul 30 2011 • Features

Whether The US and china can overcome a tendency towards a zero sum disposition and embrace change in a progressive way in the 21st century remains to be seen.

Review – Brzezinski’s Technetronic Era

Stephen McGlinchey • Jul 22 2011 • Features

The phrase ‘Technetronic Era’ many not have cemented its place in posterity, but we appear to be living in elements of it nonetheless.

Review – Russian Foreign Policy: From Nation State to Global Risk Sharing

Louie Woodall • Jul 22 2011 • Features

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia endured a difficult rebirth into a unipolar world order where it struggled to find a place. Dr. Nicolai Petro traces the journey the nation’s governments have made since this painful transition and looks to the continuing evolution of Russia’s diplomatic identity.

Review – The Good War: NATO and the Liberal Conscience in Afghanistan

Martin J. Bayly • Jul 18 2011 • Features

One of the challenges facing anyone who wishes to write on the war in Afghanistan is to squeeze this fiendishly difficult topic into an appropriate framework. It is not easy to find an approach that avoids oversimplifying the issues, or bamboozling the reader into boredom, confusion, deep cynicism, or a combination of all three.

Review – Kissinger On China

Zachary Keck • Jul 7 2011 • Features

One surefire way to know that a bilateral relationship is of the upmost importance is for Henry Kissinger to devote an entire book to the topic. With world stability likely to hinge in good part on the nature of future of Sino-American relations, and China’s continued rise being almost inevitable, much is at stake.

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