
Review – Moral Dilemmas of Modern War

Ralph Parlour • Jul 5 2011 • Features

This book attempts to answer the question of ‘who do you bomb when you cannot reach military targets’. Michael L. Gross updates the ethics of just war, improving on traditional accounts for an age where asymmetric conflict is prevalent. Whilst a spirited attempt to resolve this dilemma, it is only partially successful.

Edited Collection – The Arab Spring of Discontent

Alasdair McKay • Jun 30 2011 • Features

This collection of articles offers insightful and diverse perspectives on the Arab uprisings, and expands to consider political unrest outside the Arab world.

Interview – Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

E-International Relations • Apr 27 2011 • Features

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam searches for the theoretical underpinnings of the clash of civilizations. Expanding critical theory to include Islamic philosophy and poetry, this metahistory refuses to treat the Orient and the Occident as separate entities.

Review – Getting to Yes in Korea

Daryl Morini • Jan 7 2011 • Features

Although this book appeared before the November 2010 bombing of Yeonpyeong island by North Korean forces, its insights and are no less relevant to the question of reversing a dangerous trend of military provocations, brinkmanship and near-war collisions between the Koreas. As Dr. Clemens forcefully argues, a long-lasting, peaceful solution to the inter-Korean division is neither impossible, nor idealistic.

American Ascendance, British Retreat, and the Rise of Iran in the Persian Gulf

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 15 2010 • Features

Three recent publications provide a fresh perspective of the developments which resulted in the decline of British influence in the Gulf, and the subsequent rise of the US.

Review – History of International Political Theory: Ontologies of the International

E-International Relations • Nov 10 2010 • Features

Hartmut Behr’s recent book is a fascinating critical reconsideration of how generations of political thinkers have appraised the interplay between universal and particular interests among the relations of states in their understandings of “the world” from Western antiquity through the present-day

Review – The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 31 2010 • Features

The Israel lobby thesis, despite some flaws such as a dismissal of the power of other lobby groups. it is a valid attempt to understand a unique facet in how American policy is forged.

Review: Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 13 2010 • Features

Mario Del Pero’s chief task in his recent monograph is to break up the traditional image of Kissinger to paint a more nuanced picture of his politics and scholarship.

Review – The Role of France in the Rwandan Genocide

Alasdair McKay • Sep 28 2010 • Features

Kroslak contests that France was not only involved in events through passivity, but actually enabled the genocide through its support for the Hutu regime before, during and after the killing. Overall, this study represents an estimable and rigorously researched contribution to the subject, though, as this essay will unearth, there are some problematic elements to the book.

Review – A Second Look at Huntington’s Third Wave Thesis

Stephen McGlinchey • Sep 23 2010 • Features

It is worth taking a second look at Huntington’s thesis considering the controversial democratisation attempts pursued by the US in the early years of the 21st Century.

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