
Review – Meddling in the Ballot Box

Tobias Lemke • Apr 9 2023 • Features

This timely and important book presents a well-supported and persuasive account of how geopolitical interests are advanced via electoral intervention.

Thinking Global Podcast – Luke M. Herrington

E-International Relations • Apr 6 2023 • Features

Luke M. Herrington talks about Gender, Religion, Politics and Violence, following-up on his article ⁠’Probing the Intersection of Religion, Gender, and Political Violence’⁠.

Interview – Adam B. Lerner

E-International Relations • Apr 4 2023 • Features

Adam Lerner outlines the role of collective trauma in international politics and how to challenge some of the problematic assumptions of mainstream IR.

Thinking Global Podcast – Henri Vanhanen

E-International Relations • Mar 31 2023 • Features

Henri Vanhanen talks about Finland joining NATO alongside Finnish Foreign and Defence Policy broadly, following-up on his popular Op-Ed ⁠’Finland and NATO Membership’⁠.

Interview – Sandra Weissinger

E-International Relations • Mar 26 2023 • Features

Sandra Weissinger discusses the dynamics and impacts of racism in different settings, from higher education and the workplace to general societal interactions.

Thinking Global Podcast – Arne Westad

E-International Relations • Mar 23 2023 • Features

Arne Westad talks about what it is to ‘think globally’, the potential for a new Cold War, Sino-US relations, and developing states in the international order.

Review – Power to the People

Akritas Kaidatzis • Mar 22 2023 • Features

Mark Tushnet and Bojan Bugaric offer a compelling alternative to traditional understandings of populism by choosing to forego political neutrality in their analysis.

Introducing the Thinking Global Podcast

E-International Relations • Mar 21 2023 • Features

Thinking Global is an all new podcast from ⁠⁠E-International Relations⁠⁠ and is available on all major platforms.

Interview – Igor Grossmann

E-International Relations • Mar 19 2023 • Features

Igor Grossmann explores advancements in analytical and cross-temporal methods and how these methods can help us understand and predict societal and cultural change.

Review – Western Sahara

R. Joseph Huddleston • Mar 14 2023 • Features

Zunes and Mundy offer a detailed narrative of the origins and implications of the conflict, but the roles and impacts of some third-party actors remain under-explored.

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