
Interview – Kon K. Madut

E-International Relations • Mar 21 2021 • Features

Kon Madut outlines how ethnic politics has impacted governance in South Sudan, the potential for a ‘sustainable peace’, challenges to promoting reproductive health, and the upcoming 2022 elections.

Interview – Ibrahim Jalal

E-International Relations • Mar 16 2021 • Features

Ibrahim Jalal sets out the challenges facing the unity government in Yemen, the UAE’s influence, and the Houthi response to the pandemic.

International Women’s Day Interviews

E-International Relations • Mar 8 2021 • Features

To celebrate International Women’s Day we asked some of our former contributors how we can challenge gendered inequalities.

Interview – Caron E. Gentry

E-International Relations • Mar 8 2021 • Features

Professor Caron Gentry discusses the importance of International Women’s Day, the feminisation of IR, terrorism and violence.

Interview – Daria Nashat

E-International Relations • Mar 8 2021 • Features

Daria Nashat talks about the importance of International Women’s Day, women’s involvement in peace-building, and women in leadership.

New Book – Varieties of European Subsidiarity: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Günter Walzenbach and Ralf Alleweldt • Mar 7 2021 • Features

By tracing the location of authority at different levels of European governance this book examines the pressures for effective decision-making despite the changing policy preferences of governments.

Interview – Katsiaryna Shmatsina

E-International Relations • Feb 28 2021 • Features

Katsiaryna Shmatsina outlines the key factors behind current protests in Belarus, their potential for success, and developments in Belarus’ foreign policy.

Call for Contributors – Decolonizing Politics and Theories from the Abya Yala

We seek contributors for a forthcoming book on ‘Decolonizing Politics and Theories from the Abya Yala’, focused in the study of Latin America.

LGBTQ+ History Month Interviews

E-International Relations • Feb 22 2021 • Features

To celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month we asked previous contributors to E-IR whether they think the discipline of IR has made important strides to equally incorporate LGBTQ+ perspectives, ideas and histories.

Review – Rights as Weapons: Instruments of Conflict, Tools of Power

Daniel Braaten • Feb 21 2021 • Features

Clifford Bob presents the ways in which multiple actors use human rights to advance their agendas, both liberal and illiberal.

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