
Interview – Yolande Bouka

E-International Relations • Oct 30 2019 • Features

Yolande Bouka discusses the importance of Black History Month, anti-black racism and how to decolonise IR, female agency in warfare and transitional justice in Rwanda.

Interview – Olivia Rutazibwa

E-International Relations • Oct 28 2019 • Features

Olivia Rutazibwa discusses the importance of Black History Month, silencing in IR, epistemic violence, decolonial approaches to humanitarianism and ethical retreat.

Interview – Toni Haastrup

E-International Relations • Oct 24 2019 • Features

Toni Haastrup discusses the importance of Black History Month, challenges faced by the African Union, the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, EU-AU relations and Brexit.

Review – Russia’s Public Diplomacy: Evolution and Practice

Olga Krasnyak • Oct 22 2019 • Features

This volume highlights historical approaches as well as the distinct features of Russia’s public diplomacy, such as its positioning as the guardian of traditional values.

Interview – Chantelle Lewis

E-International Relations • Oct 21 2019 • Features

Chantelle Lewis discusses the importance of Black History Month, the effects of Brexit on people of colour, her PhD and the representation of Black students in academia.

Interview – Kwame Anthony Appiah

E-International Relations • Oct 15 2019 • Features

Kwame Anthony Appiah talks about cosmopolitanism, identity, moral progress, Afrocentrism, what Black History Month means to him and gives some advice for young scholars.

Interview – Robert Vitalis

E-International Relations • Oct 10 2019 • Features

Robert Vitalis talks about the importance of Black History Month, the Howard School, racism in world politics, and the importance of decontructing the history of IR.

Review Feature – The US Foreign Policy Consensus in Crisis

Richard W. Coughlin • Oct 9 2019 • Features

Richard Coughlin analyses Kagan and Walt’s decade old debate on IR theory, the clash between realism and liberalism and how it ties into modern politics in the Trump era.

Interview – Adeoti Dipeolu

E-International Relations • Oct 1 2019 • Features

Adeoti Dipeolu discusses the importance of Black History Month, her current PhD research and diaspora involvement in peacebuilding and state-building.

Review – Seeing Politics

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Sep 30 2019 • Features

Using narrative feature film as a method of co-production, Harman brings feminist and decolonial works into conversation with the visual and aesthetic turns in IR.

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