
Review – Reconstructing Human Rights

Davide Orsi • Nov 26 2017 • Features

This remarkable and innovative book offers an original understanding of human rights and contributes to the reflection on the nature and role of political theory.

Review – Lupe Under the Sun

Francisco Laguna-Correa • Nov 15 2017 • Features

Director Rodrigo Reyes’ film portrays a realist yet dreamlike exploration of the everyday activities of an ageing undocumented Mexican labourer in the United States.

Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Nov 14 2017 • Features

Prof. Stephen Walt discusses his current book project on the failures of American foreign policy, realist IR theory, and the nature of American political institutions.

Interview – Emily Morris

E-International Relations • Nov 4 2017 • Features

Dr. Morris discusses Cuba’s economic reforms, the impact of Trump and the Venezuelan crisis on the Cuban economy, and the transition of leadership in post-Castro Cuba.

Review – Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey

Elizabeth Austin • Oct 26 2017 • Features

American lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood’s 1893 story about a wealthy young man named Baron Trump provides some interesting parallels to today’s US President, Donald Trump.

Interview – Michael Stephens

E-International Relations • Oct 26 2017 • Features

RUSI’s Michael Stephens answers questions on the recent referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, Trump’s Middle East policy, developments in Syria and the Iran nuclear deal.

Interview – Solomon Passy

E-International Relations • Oct 19 2017 • Features

Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, Solomon Passy, talks about the future of NATO, Bulgaria’s role in the alliance and its upcoming Presidency of the European Council.

Review – Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen

Harry Shutt • Oct 17 2017 • Features

A valuable exposition of the case for universal basic income which nevertheless fails to recognise the revolutionary implications which its implementation would entail.

Open Access Book – Meditations on Diplomacy: Comparative Cases in Diplomatic Practice and Foreign Policy

Stephen Chan • Oct 15 2017 • Features

This book, by Stephen Chan, explores via a range of examples, the challenges diplomacy faces today as actors seek to change history and undermine interests.

Interview – Joseph Chinyong Liow

E-International Relations • Oct 12 2017 • Features

Dr Chinyong Liow discusses the Trump administration’s strategy for East and Southeast Asia, growing conservatism in Indonesia, and the 50th anniversary of ASEAN.

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