
Interview – Meera Sabaratnam

E-International Relations • Mar 9 2017 • Features

Professor Sabaratnam explains her pessimism about IR, analyses the decolonisation of the university, and talks the current state of global politics.

Interview – Omar Ashour

E-International Relations • Feb 27 2017 • Features

Dr. Ashour explains de-radicalisation and how Western powers approach the problem, and he talks about Islamism in Egypt’s military government.

Open Access Book – Understanding Post-9/11 Afghanistan: A Critical Insight into Huntington’s Civilizational Approach

E-International Relations • Feb 24 2017 • Features

A post-Islamic humanist discourse has the potential to carve the way for peace in post-9/11 Afghanistan and vindicate Islam of its denigration in the contemporary world.

Interview – Sebastian Knecht

E-International Relations • Feb 23 2017 • Features

Sebastian Knecht discusses the importance of the Arctic Council, the role of NGOs in Arctic governance, and the limited impact of Obama’s oil exploration moratorium.

Review – The Responsibility to Protect and the International Criminal Court

Par Engstrom • Feb 20 2017 • Features

By tracing the relation between R2P and the ICC in the Kenyan case, Sharma’s study reveals unexpected outcomes of a collision between national and international law.

Interview – Michelle Cini

E-International Relations • Feb 17 2017 • Features

Michelle Cini discusses the impact Brexit may have on the UK and the EU, the steps the EU is taking towards reform, and provides advice for young scholars of EU politics.

Review – Connected Sociologies

Lisa Tilley • Feb 15 2017 • Features

As sociology’s imagined European centre comes apart, Bhambra’s book will remain a vital text for those wishing to understand where we have been and where we are going to.

Review – 1979 Revolution: Black Friday

Jane Kirkpatrick • Feb 11 2017 • Features

Departing from cliché this game takes its subject and audience seriously, delivering an engaging and entertaining story about a key event that has shaped the Middle East.

Interview – Katarzyna Zysk

E-International Relations • Feb 11 2017 • Features

Prof. Zysk explains Russia’s use of non-military means for strategic ends, its approach to world order and its neigbours, and the influence of the Trump administration.

Review – Martin Wight on Fortune and Irony in Politics

Luca G. Castellin • Feb 8 2017 • Features

This title offers a new and interesting contribution, not only for the English school, but also for the entire discipline of International Relations.

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