
Review – Volunteer Tourism in the Global South

Cori Jakubiak • Sep 21 2015 • Features

Examining our attachments to ethical consumption practices such as volunteer tourism, Vrasti’s book sheds light on its links to capitalism and neoliberal subjectivity.

Interview – Daniele Archibugi

E-International Relations • Sep 14 2015 • Features

Professor Archibugi answers questions on the divide between domestic politics and foreign policy, the concept of cosmopolitan democracy, and the limits of sovereignty.

Review – Rethinking Hegemony

Tom Chodor • Sep 14 2015 • Features

Although some of his criticisms are slightly overstated, Worth successfully clarifies the concept of hegemony and applies it to analyses of major contemporary trends.

Review – The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations

Nicholas Tampio • Sep 5 2015 • Features

This Routledge volume provides an excellent overview of how organization theorists are searching for post-communist paradigms to contest the march of neoliberalism.

Interview – Andy Wolff

E-International Relations • Aug 31 2015 • Features

Director Andy Wolff talks about piracy and acquisition of information by experience, through the many subjects he tackles in his documentaries – a useful reminder for IR.

Review – The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Aug 28 2015 • Features

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. provides an opportunity for IR scholars to experience a fictionalized account of global security cooperation during the 1960s in this new movie.

Edited Collection – Nations under God: The Geopolitics of Faith in the 21st Century

E-International Relations • Aug 26 2015 • Features

Over 30 leading scholars focus on the complex roles that religions play in world affairs and move beyond the simplistic narratives and polemics which swamp the discourse.

Interview – Popo Fan

E-International Relations • Aug 20 2015 • Features

Popo Fan discusses the history and development of Chinese queer film, recent changes in China’s LBGT community, and the dangers posed by the Foreign NGO Management Law.

Review – The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class

Monica Threlfall • Aug 19 2015 • Features

Standing not only establishes the ‘precariat’ as a new class, but also provides succinct and clear-eyed justifications for a protective Basic Income policy as a solution.

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E-International Relations • Aug 19 2015 • Features

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